Sparks City Council Meeting 12/14/2020 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 98232307536
General Business: 9.6

Fund: Development Services Fund Account: 603055 Program: Building Administration (130900) Amount: $85,516.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This agenda item requests approval of a Software Subscription Service Agreement with PermitRocket Software LLC, dba ePermitHub, to provide electronic plan review software services for use in the Accela regional business license and permit platform. The ePermitHub software aids customers in electronically submitting and revising plans for building permits.
The demand for an electronic plan review program has been growing and after reviewing several programs, development review staff (Building, Planning, and Engineering) recommend the ePermitHub software as the option that would best serve the needs of both staff reviewers and customers. This software is a plug-in to the Accela software currently used for permitting and has the most seamless user experience City staff has found for plan reviewers, permit staff, and the public. Along with the standard markup, stamping, and measuring tools, ePermitHub includes automatic sheet versioning, file validation, validation of professional stamps, interactive issue resolution, reporting, and instructional videos for the public. In the view of City staff, the ePermitHub experience is highly user-friendly. Plan review comments are emailed to customers and include links that are easily accessible on Accela Citizen Access.
Currently, customers struggle to find plan review comments in Accela. Plan reviewers are using a basic Adobe PDF tool to view documents and the list of documents becomes confusing. In addition, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the related increase in telecommuting and social distancing requirements, rapid implementation of an electronic plan review system will better provide for online document submission and communication between plan reviewers and customers.
The budget for FY21 includes an initial implementation fee of $59,620 and a usage fee for the first year estimated at $25,896, for a total initial year cost of $85,516. This assumes 40 percent of plan review work will be done electronically. It the agreement is renewed after the initial term, FY22 and FY23 usage-based costs will be estimated and paid in advance based on current building permit activity trends and assuming year-over-year increases in electronic plan review of 20 percent per year. These future costs will be addressed as part of the regular budget process.
- City Council may approve the Software Subscription Service Agreement as recommended.
- City Council may reject the Software Subscription Service Agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Software Subscription Service Agreement (AC-5716) with PermitRocket Software LLC, dba ePermitHub, to provide electronic plan review software services in the Accela regional business license and permit platform in the amount of $85,516.00.
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