Sparks City Council Meeting 6/22/2020 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 930 9691 8084
General Business: 9.10
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Government agency first responders across the Truckee Meadows currently communicate with each other on a single shared trunked radio communications system called the Enhanced Digital Access Communications System (EDACS). EDACS is now obsolete. In response to the lack of support for the existing EDACS system and failing technology, regional partners have been discussing the need to upgrade the system to ensure that our first responders have adequate regional communications capabilities.
The proposed P25 Interlocal Agreement is an agreement between 19 regional agencies for the development of a new P25 regional communications system. Under the proposed P25 Interlocal Agreement, Washoe County will finance the infrastructure costs with a combination of cash and the issuance of bonds, and each of the partner agencies will be responsible for repayment of its proportional share based on each agency’s number of radios in use. The City of Sparks’ proportional share of P25 infrastructure and operational costs is currently estimated to be $1,559,293 financed over 15 years.
In October of 1999, the City of Sparks, along with several regional partners and the Nevada Department of Transportation created the Washoe County Regional Communications System (WCRCS) via an Interlocal Agreement to develop, construct, and operate a shared trunked radio communications system that enabled regional agencies to communicate with each other via a single integrated system. Today, nearly 20 regional entities participate in the WCRCS.
Under the original WCRCS, the regional partners implemented and used an 800 MHz Enhanced Digital Access Communications System (EDACS). The EDACS system was developed by General Electric in the 1980s and is now obsolete. Support, software updates, and parts have not been available from the manufacturer since late 2017 and parts can only be purchased through third parties, if at all.
When manufacturer support of the EDACS system was halted, the regional partners within the WCRCS began discussing the possibility of upgrading to a new system, leading to the Nevada Department of Transportation issuing a request for proposals for the Nevada Shared Radio System (NSRS). The NSRS selected Harris Communications as the vendor to supply its updated radio system. The NSRS governs the process for the purchase, operation, and governance of the statewide P25 communications system, which will replace the statewide 800 MHz/EDACS system. The City of Sparks is not a party to the NSRS. On September 25, 2018, the Washoe County Board of County Commissioners approved a contract with Harris Communications for the development of the statewide NSRS P25 System.
Under the proposed WCRCS Interlocal Agreement for the development of the P25 system, Washoe County will finance the infrastructure costs with a combination of cash and the issuance of bonds. The partner agencies are then responsible for paying their share of the infrastructure development costs as described in the Interlocal Agreement, as well as their share of system operations, maintenance, and repair costs as those costs are incurred over time. Cost allocation is based on the number of radios in use by each of the partner agencies.
The total project cost for P25 infrastructure, site development, and subscriber equipment is $26,537,511. Of that total, $15,576,924 is for development of the system infrastructure and site development, and $10,960,587 is for each participating agency’s equipment and services cost.
The end-user equipment costs are based on a radio purchasing plan over the next several years. The participating agencies can upgrade their current hand-held and mobile radios to P25 radios or other P25-compliant radios at a discounted price.
Washoe County estimates that the entire infrastructure and site development project for the P25 upgrade will take approximately 5 years. During that time, the agencies will remain on EDACS and integrate P25 applications as they become available. The transition between EDACS and P25 technologies is anticipated to be largely seamless in operation among first responders.
In order to ensure that City of Sparks first responders can effectively communicate with regional partners on essential regional responses such as fire response, COVID-19 mitigation efforts, law enforcement, and other government services that require a regional response, continued communication between the various government agencies is crucial. The P25 Interlocal Agreement generally follows the same governance structure that has been in place for the EDACS WCRCS system, including the use of a Joint Operating Committee and Technical Review Committee that provide for shared governance and control of the system and enable administrative and fiscal review of the P25 System.
By approving the P25 Interlocal Agreement, the City of Sparks will be obligated to pay its proportional share of the infrastructure development costs paid for by Washoe County through its issuance of new bonds. The City’s share is determined by the number of radios in use by each of the partner agencies and the final cost of financing through Washoe County and may only fluctuate if new agencies are accepted into the P25 System. The term of the debt servicing is 15 years, beginning in Fiscal Year 2020/21.
The City of Sparks’ proportional share of P25 infrastructure and operational costs is currently estimated to be $1,559,293 financed over 15 years. Attached to this staff report is a presentation provided by Washoe County staff at a recent Joint Operating Committee meeting that highlights details of P25 costs, bond financing terms, and debt service costs. The annual payment is estimated to be $103,953 plus a ten percent bond reserve fund, for a total annual payment of approximately $114,348. Funds paid into the bond reserve fund will be used either in the event of a default by one of the partner agencies or during the final year to pay off the remaining debt service amounts.
1. Council could approve the Interlocal Agreement
2. Council could reject the Interlocal Agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve Interlocal Agreement (AC-5677) for participation in the Washoe County Regional Communications P25 System for public safety radio communications, including payment to Washoe County for the City of Sparks’ proportional share of P25 communications infrastructure development costs currently estimated at $1,559,293 financed over 15 years, approximately $114,348 annually.
Attached Files: