Sparks City Council Meeting 6/22/2020 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 930 9691 8084
General Business: 9.9

Fund: Storm Drains Cap Proj Fund Account: 604080 Program: Camera Van Purchase (20-6697) Amount: $359,501.48 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Fleet Services is requesting authorization to spend $359,501.48 to purchase one Rapid View camera van. Over the last few years, maintenance has been utilizing a similar camera van to assess sanitary sewer lines throughout our City. Purchase of this equipment will allow Public Works Maintenance staff to use technology to assess the storm drain lines, prioritize cleaning schedules, and record pipeline inspection data; increasing maintenance efficiency and adding vital information to the asset data base. If approved the City will purchase the equipment utilizing a national purchasing consortium contract # 122017-RVL. $360,000 was included in the fiscal year 2020 CIP budget approved by the City Council on May 28, 2019. Staff recommends approval.
This request is for the purchase of one truck chassis mounted camera van utilized by Public Works to assess the condition of the City’s storm drain lines. Historically Public Works has slowly worked their way around the City cleaning the lines. Based on the amount of time that this activity takes and on the unnecessary wear on the system Public Works has started moving away from blind cleaning of our underground collection systems.
Over the last few years, maintenance has been utilizing a similar camera van to assess sewer lines throughout our City. Staff attends training so that individual users all use the same methodology to rate the condition of the lines and assign a score to those lines. The higher the number indicates which lines need attention including cleaning, replacement or sometimes when a user is dumping unwanted material into the system.
Staff has been working closely with GIS and has assigned all pipe segments throughout the City a specific identifier number as part of the asset management program. When dirty lines are found a work order can be generated to direct staff to only clean the segments that need cleaned, or to communicate to Engineering staff that replacement is needed. The purchase on a new camera van would allow staff to expand this program to the storm drain system and continue the work already underway with the sewer system.
Fleet services consulted with staff to determine the best product for our needs. Staff recommended the Rapid View IBAK unit that is compatible with our current software and operating system so that all data from both vans be collected in the same format. Staff reached out to Jack Doheny Companies, Inc. our vendor for Rapid View IBAK and received a quote through Sourcewell, a national purchasing consortium.
In sourcing this equipment, if approved, the City will be utilizing the “joinder” provision allowed under NRS 332.115. Specifically, the City will be using Sourcewell contract # 122017-RVL for this vehicle. The Sourcewell Contract represents a high-quality product and the City is able to join this contract and leverage those prices to our benefit. This $359,501.48 expenditure will allow staff to purchase the appropriate equipment needed for field work in Drains maintenance.
- Council could approve the purchase.
- Council could reject the purchase and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the purchase of a Rapid View IBAK Camera van from Jack Doheny Companies, Inc. in the amount of $359,501.48.
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