Sparks City Council Meeting 4/23/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, April 23, 2012 2:00 PM745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
General Business: 6.2
Title: Consideration and possible acceptance of a Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $31,905 to pay for training and equipment.
Petitioner/Presenter: Police Department/Chief Steve Keefer
Recommendation: Accept a Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $31,905.00
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: This is the annual Department of Public Safety, Office of Criminal Justice, Justice Assistance Formula Grant, co-applied for with the Reno Police Department and the Washoe County Sherriff's Office.
Background: The U.S. Department of Justice, Justice Assistance Grant Program utilizes a formula to pre-determine grant awards to every jurisdiction in the United States. The formula grant for the combined RPD/WCSO/SPD application for FFY2013 is for $159,525. Based upon the agreed upon division with 40% going to RPD, 40% going to WCSO and 20% going to SPD, the SPD share is $31,905.
Analysis: The Sparks Police Department has tentatively allocated the grant funds, if accepted, for training police officers, and equipment purchases.
Alternatives: The City Council can decline the grant and seek funding elswhere.
Recommended Motion: Accept the Department of Public Safety, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance Justice Assistance Grant in the amount of $31,905.
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