Sparks City Council Meeting 3/9/2020 2:00:00 PM
Monday, March 9, 2020 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.4

Fund: Storm Drains Cap Proj Fund Account: 604080 Program: Grapple Truck for Trash Pickup (20-6602) Amount: $235,385.06 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Public Works Maintenance Staff is requesting approval to purchase one 2021 International HV607 truck with grapple crane and debris box to be utilized in maintaining the appearance of the City. The purchase of this truck is to improve the efficiency and safety of staff assigned to this work. If approved the City will joinder with the City of Reno, Nevada contract # 2018-00000596. $366,541.00 was included in the Fiscal Year 2020 budget approved by the City Council on May 28, 2019. Staff recommends approval.
Over the last several years Public Works has seen a dramatic up-tick in the amount of trash, mattresses, couches, boats, cars, motorhomes, and human waste left in the right of way, parks, trails and other areas around the City.
Public Works Maintenance Staff is tasked with removing this debris and trash from a variety of different environments around the City. Some of that material is extremely hazardous. Mobilization of a loader or other heavy equipment is not always an option, so we looked for better alternatives.
Sacramento, California, and other cities have similar issues and unanimously recommend using this type of grapple crane with self-dumping debris box to remove debris from City rights of way.
Public Works Staff is always looking for ways to improve efficiency and safety when performing the work assigned to us. This truck staffed with two people can rapidly respond to a variety of different clean-up operations around the City and will be invaluable in saving time while increasing the safety of our staff.
Staff worked with a local International dealer and they were able to provide some government incentives that greatly reduced the cost, saving over $130,000 from the projected budget estimate.
The City will be utilizing the “joinder” provision allowed under NRS 332.115. Specifically, the City will be using contract #2018-00000596 for this vehicle that was issued by the City of Reno, Nevada, to Silver State International. The City of Reno’s bid represented a high-quality product with excellent price discounts and the City is able to join this contract and leverage those prices to our benefit. Utilizing the “joinder” provision allows the City to precisely define the equipment needed while foregoing the need to formally bid the item.
This $235,385.06 expenditure will allow staff to purchase the appropriate equipment needed for our Community Appearance program.
- City Council may approve the purchase as presented by staff.
- City Council may reject the purchase and provide further direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the purchase of one 2021 International HV607 truck with grapple crane and debris box from Silver State International in the amount of $235,385.06.
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