Sparks City Council Meeting 10/14/2019 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, October 14, 2019 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV

General Business: 9.5

Title: Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of a construction contract (AC-5614) for the Golden Eagle Regional Park Synthetic Turf Replacement - Fields 10-15 Infields, Bid No. 19/20-001, PWP #WA-2019-294, to FieldTurf USA, Inc. in the amount of $688,737.12.
Petitioner/Presenter: John Martini, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Brian Cason, P.E., S.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the construction contract with FieldTurf, USA, Inc.
Financial Impact: Budget is available. Once the prior year CIP augmentation has been done the over budget will no longer display.
Total Costs: $688,737.12
Fund: Park & Recreation Project Fund    Account: 604060
Program: 1402 Parks & Rec - GERP- Synthetic Turf Replacement - Field 10 - 15 (Infields) (20-1700)
Amount: $688,737.12    Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan)
Budget Correction Plan:
There is budget available. Once the prior year CIP augmentation has been done the over budget will no longer display.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

The infields of Softball Fields 10-15  at Golden Eagle Regional Park were installed in April of 2008 and have reached the end of their useful life and so require replacement.  A location map for the fields is attached.  This project consists of the removal and disposal of the existing synthetic turf and installation of new synthetic turf.  Staff recommends approval of the attached contract with FieldTurf USA, Inc in the amount of $688,737.12.


Golden Eagle Regional Park was originally completed in April 2008.  Subsequently, the park has seen extensive programming and use of all the athletic fields.  In 2016, the City of Sparks worked with Lloyd Civil & Sports Engineering to develop a long-term asset management/replacement plan for all synthetic fields at the complex.  Based upon this study, which included onsite review and impact attenuation testing of all the synthetic turf fields, the infields on softball fields 10-15 have reached the end of their useful life and require replacement.


The project was advertised on August 14, 2019 and one addendum was issued during the formal bid process.  Four (4) bids were received at City Hall on September 11, 2019 as a result of the formal bid process.  Staff has reviewed the bids and found two bids were non-responsive. A full recap is attached for your review.  Staff recommends award to the low responsive bid submitted by FieldTurf USA, Inc., in the amount of $688,737.12, which includes a force account of $10,000.  The contract for the project has been attached for reference.  A bid summary of the qualified bidders is shown below for your review:

FieldTurf USA, Inc.


Hellas Construction


  1. City Council could approve the contract as outlined by staff.
  2. City Council could reject the contract and provide direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve a construction contract (AC-5614) for the Golden Eagle Regional Park Synthetic Turf Replacement - Fields 10-15 Infields Project to FieldTurf USA, Inc., in the amount of $688,737.12.

Attached Files:
     01 – Synthetic Turf Replacement GERP Fields 10-15 Infields - Vicinity Map.pdf
     02 - Synthetic Turf Replacement GERP Fields 10-15 Infields - FieldTurf Contract.pdf
     03 - Synthetic Turf Replacement GERP Fields 10-15 Infields - Full Bid Re-cap.pdf
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