Sparks City Council Meeting 8/26/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 26, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.6

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 603057 Program: Major System Software Replacement Plan (080731) Amount: $64,088.51 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Staff recommends approval of an agreement to provide a new recreation software solution to replace a system in place for more than 20 years. The agreement includes, but is not limited to, data management for program and class activity registrations, point of sale, online registration, memberships/passes, day care, facility and field reservations, league scheduling, marketing and communication functions, payment processing, and ad hoc/customized reporting.
While software systems are generally exempt from any bidding or solicitation requirements per NRS 332.115, the City of Sparks Parks and Recreation Department issued a Request for Information (RFI) in FY18 (#17/18-004) to assess the availability of recreation management software systems in the marketplace. The objective was to identify and potentially select a comprehensive system that could support the full spectrum of recreation activities and facilities provided by the department. Securing an intuitive, user-friendly platform was at the forefront to effectively serve customers and allow the public to more easily register for classes online. The system would additionally need to meet current and future business needs of the department.
Five proposals were received. The proposals were reviewed and scored by department staff and further examination was conducted by way of onsite and/or remote demos to determine technical, functional, and procedural capabilities and innovations. Representatives from the Finance Department/IT took part in viewing the demos, bringing their much-needed areas of expertise to the evaluation process.
Following the initial review and ranking, a more rigorous examination was conducted of the two lead proposals that included site visits to a pair of other cities currently utilizing the systems. Staff also reached out to parks and recreation departments across the country for feedback on specific system components and processes, responsiveness of technical support, public satisfaction with the online experience, and overall product satisfaction. Through these steps, the Parks and Recreation team identified the recommended vendor and drafted the negotiated scope of work for the program.
The Civic Plus Recreation Management System referred to as CivicRec, is a fully hosted cloud-based product designed exclusively for parks and recreation entities. It is intuitive and user friendly which will benefit customers utilizing online registration. No special equipment is required. Technical support is highly rated by users and features a live chat option 24-7. The CivicRec Recreation Management System provides the tools needed for staff to manage impacts of a growing community. The system's projected go-live date is on or before July 1, 2020.
Following are additional CiviRec features not currently available in the department’s existing software environment:
- Enhanced mobile capability. Customers can successfully use a phone or tablet to enroll in programs.
- Calendar integration with Outlook and Google allows enrollments to populate on customers personal calendars for tracking.
- Social media login and sharing capability to aid in marketing programs.
- Built-in customizable survey tool increasing customer feedback.
- Branded receipts by facility with notes section and link to customer account.
- Cost effective approach with all modules available to clients at no additional price.
- Software updates and product enhancements available at no additional cost.
- Unlimited licenses and no limit to concurrent users.
- Ability to submit product enhancement requests for consideration.
- Cloud-based requires less IT support once fully operational.
- City Council may approve the agreement as outlined by Staff.
- City Council may reject the agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve an agreement with CivicPlus in an amount not to exceed $64,088.51, to provide implementation, support, licensing, hosting and first year maintenance of the CivicRec Recreation Management System for the Parks and Recreation Department.
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