Sparks City Council Meeting 3/26/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, March 26, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Legislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.2
Title: Consideration and possible approval of a contract with Clarion Associates in the amount of $30,515 to perform a Zoning code assessment.
Petitioner/Presenter: City of Sparks/Jim Rundle, Senior Planner
Recommendation: Community Services Staff recommend awarding the professional services contract to Clarion Associates.
Financial Impact: N/A
Total Costs: $30,515.00

Fund: General Fund Account: 603242 Program: Community Enhancement (Advance Planning) (130200) Amount: $30,515.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: Reallocate $4,153 from 603220 (Postage) to 603242 |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: The City of Sparks has elected to conduct an analysis of the chapter of its municipal code which governs zoning and development (Title 20). The analysis is intended to identify 1) potential barriers in Title 20 to development and 2) recommend potential ways in which these barriers may be addressed through subsequent updates of the code. Earlier this year the City issued a request for proposals (RFP) to solicit prospective consultants to undertake the analysis. The City received four responses. Staff, along with a committee of private planners and a Sparks Planning Commissioner reviewed the submittals and interviewed two teams. The review committee unanimously recommends that the City Council award Clarion Associates a contract to perform this analysis. Clarion’s team includes CFA, Inc of Reno, NV.
Background: The City of Sparks has elected to conduct an analysis of the chapter of its municipal code which governs zoning and development (Title 20). Title 20 regulates the use and improvement of land while controlling the location, soundness and use of structures located thereon. The analysis should identify 1) potential barriers to development that may exist and 2) recommend potential ways in which these barriers may be addressed through subsequent updates of the code. The scope of work below outlines a process for completing these objectives. Over the last 10 years, the City has updated and revised the sections of the zoning code relating to "Industrial" development, created a master plan and zoning standards for a Transit Oriented Development Corridor and created a content neutral sign ordinance. Other sections of Title 20 date to 1976 (when the zoning code was established) and have been updated only on a piecemeal basis. In addition, a large part of the City has been master planned and zoned through the use of planned development handbooks. This has resulted in many of the newer parts of the City having "custom" zoning. The Sparks Master Plan (Comprehensive Plan) is also being revised and updated to reflect the needs of the City of Sparks into the future.
Analysis: Earlier this year, the City issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit and select a consultant to assist City staff with undertaking analysis of the zoning code. The City received four complete proposals which were scored by five reviewers: two city staff, two planners in private practice and a Sparks Planning Commissioner. The scores were compiled and analyzed by the Purchasing Division and a short list was established based on the rankings of the firms. Interviews were conducted by the five member review committee with the top two firms. The committee unanimously recommends to the Sparks City Council that the contract be awarded to Clarion Associates in the amount of $30,515. Clarion Associates has offices in Denver and Fort Collins Colorado. The team that Clarion has assembled includes CFA, Inc of Reno, NV.
Alternatives: Council may direct staff to renegotiate the contract based on a revised scope. Council may reject all proposals and direct staff on further action.
Recommended Motion: I move to award Clarion Associates a professional services contract in the amount of $30,515 to provide professional services as outlined in the attached contract and Clarion’s proposal.
Attached Files: