Sparks City Council Meeting 7/8/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 8, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Staff recommends approval of a master signal agreement between the City of Sparks and the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) that will provide consistency and effectiveness to signal system maintenance for signal systems on NDOT roadways within the City of Sparks. This agreement will supersede the individual agreements historically in place per intersection. The City will maintain the NDOT’s traffic signals in the City of Sparks and will be reimbursed for repairs/maintenance items over $1,500 from NDOT. The City of Sparks and NDOT will work collaboratively to maintain an active list of included signal systems as well as to coordinate maintenance and emergency repair activities.
The City of Sparks has historically maintained the NDOT’s traffic signals in the City of Sparks, through individual agreements per intersection, as part of our traffic signal system to provide continuity in the system and to provide timely response in the event of a failure. These agreements are often complex and in many instances different causing additional work to address the maintenance needs of a particular intersection. Some intersections do not have agreements that can be verified. NDOT proposed this master signal agreement (the “Agreement) to provide consistency between locations and to streamline the partnership with the City’s maintenance and repair activities as well as to help NDOT develop budgets for costs related to the signal systems on their roadways within the City of Sparks.
This Agreement will supersede all individual agreements for governmental services which includes, but is not limited to, joint construction, maintenance, and repair of traffic operations type improvements related to the traffic signals systems on NDOT roadways within the City of Sparks.
This Agreement requires the City to operate, maintain, repair, and provide necessary labor and electrical power for all signal systems and all related ancillary components required to safely operate and maintain the signal systems on NDOT roadways. Maintenance, repair, and operational standards and practices shall be consistent with applicable state and national standards and guidelines. The City presently performs this function for NDOT.
The City and NDOT have worked together to create a list of mutually agreed upon signal systems covered in this Agreement that will be signed by both parties upon execution of this Agreement. Signal systems may be added or subtracted from this list though agreement between the NDOT District Engineer and the City Engineer.
The City will invoice NDOT for 100% of the replacement/repair costs for all signal systems equipment replaced or repaired due to incidental damages, provided that the replacement/repair costs exceed $1,500 and are unrecoverable by insurance or other means.
The City will invoice NDOT for 100% of emergency replacement or repair costs without prior written agreed upon costs associated with the signal systems.
The City shall notify NDOT and get approval for unforeseen work for any signal system work that the City desires to be reimbursed for.
The City shall submit any as-built plans or documentation of work performed on the signal systems to NDOT.
The City shall provide NDOT a list of anticipated signal system maintenance/repairs that are expected to exceed the $1,500 threshold. This will be an estimate of what the City will be submitting to NDOT for reimbursement. This list will be delivered to the NDOT District Engineer within 30 days of initial execution of this Agreement and by January 31st of each year thereafter to enable budgeting of necessary funds. Available funding may impact approval of work requiring reimbursement.
The City will perform routine maintenance and coordinate with NDOT Permit Office two working days prior to performing scheduled maintenance activities and provide information regarding the nature of the work and anticipated traffic control. A NDOT encroachment permit is not needed for maintenance or repair work performed on signal systems. The City will also notify NDOT as soon as possible if emergency repair activities cause significant impact to traffic, require lane closures or require excavation through improved surfaces of the roadway.
This Agreement simplifies the complexity of the existing agreements and provides consistency. It creates a uniform agreement for all intersections to make the process the same for all maintenance and repairs necessary to maintain the signal systems. It also aides in adequately planning for budget to address known concerns.
The Agreement is attached for review and discussion.
- City Council may approve the Agreement as outlined by Staff.
- City Council may reject the Agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve interlocal agreement (AC-5591) with the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) for a master signal agreement.
Attached Files: