Sparks City Council Meeting 6/10/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 10, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning: 10.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A petition was submitted by John Z. Szajner and Alison J. Szajner for the abandonment of a portion of public right-of-way, located east of 737 Stanford Way (APN 033-201-35). Refer to the Exhibit 1 for a property vicinity map. Staff has researched the request and believes the public will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonments and recommends approval.
A petition was submitted by John Z. Szajner and Alison J. Szajner for the abandonment of a portion of public right-of-way, located east of the property located at 737 Stanford Way (APN 033-201-35). Refer to the Exhibit 1 for a property vicinity map. Streets and alleys were granted to the City of Sparks from Tract Map 203, filed in the Official Records of Washoe County, Nevada on April 20, 1927, identified as the Lincoln Park Addition. The tract map did not reference nor identify the centerline of Stanford Way but granted the right-of-way along the easterly side of the parcel to the centerline of Section 4.
The property includes Lots 1 through 5 of Block 24 and the abandoned northerly thirty feet (30’) of G-Street (Resolution 471, approved May 28, 1957) of the Lincoln Park Addition. During the field survey work, Michael S. Smith, PE, PLS, SWRS could not find evidence of the centerline of Section 4 nor any property corners. Mr. Smith utilized existing infrastructure (i.e. fence lines) to establish the southerly and westerly property lines. This is an acceptable means to establish property lines in lieu of monumentation and was reviewed and approved by the Washoe County Surveyor.
The southerly property line was established by a Boundary Line Agreement (BLA) between the properties located at 737 and 657 Stanford Way. The BLA has been attached for reference. The westerly boundary of 737 Stanford Way used existing fence lines adjacent to a twenty-foot (20’) alley which was established with the Lincoln Park Addition. The westerly boundary of the parcel was checked by using the alley width and field checking how existing improvements fit on the westerly side of the existing alley.
To establish the northerly boundary of the parcel, the established southerly property line was offset using the record distance of two hundred thirty feet (230’), which includes Lots 1 through 5 of Block 24, of the Lincoln Park Addition, and the abandoned northerly 30 feet of G-Street. The easterly property boundary was established by offsetting the westerly property line the record distance of one hundred twenty-five feet (125’). Refer to Exhibit 2 depicting the existing property lines.
The northerly portion of the original lot 1 of block 24 is occupied by street and pedestrian improvements along Prater Way. There are no records identifying the area was relinquished or dedicated to the City of Sparks. The applicant and the Assistant City Manager have signed a Deed of Dedication document transferring the area to the City of Sparks. The Deed of Dedication has been attached for reference. The document will be recorded along with the abandonment order. Refer to Exhibit 3 depicting the dedication area.
Tract Map 902, Rosepark Subdivision No.1, was filed in the Official Records of Washoe County, Nevada on June 11, 1964. This tract map created the lots on the east side of Stanford Way and established the centerline of Stanford Way. The map identified a centerline offset distance of thirty feet (30’) to the easterly right-of-way line of Stanford Way. The map also indicated the westerly right-of-way offset distance as thirty feet (30’).
The exhibits, included in the abandonment order, utilized existing field monumentation to identify the centerline of Stanford Way. Utilizing the centerline and the record thirty foot (30’) offset distance, the proposed right-of-way line on the west side of Stanford Way was established. Refer to the Exhibit 4 showing the abandonment area. Should council approve the order, the applicant plans on subdividing the parcel for residential development. Exhibit 5 shows the resulting configuration of 737 Stanford Way.
The legal description, included in the 737 Stanford Way - Order of Abandonment document, for the requested abandonment, has been reviewed by staff and been found acceptable. The property owner abutting the proposed abandonment has been properly notified via certified mail as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (a). The extent of the proposed abandonment and the date of the public hearing were published in the Reno Gazette Journal as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (b). Reservations of easement (per NRS278.480 (6)) will be included where applicable. Staff finds that the public will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonments and recommends approval.
- City Council could approve the request for abandonment as outlined by Staff.
- City Council could deny the request for abandonment and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the request to abandon a portion of a public right-of-way (E-879), located directly east of 737 Stanford Way, APN 033-201-35.
Attached Files: