Sparks City Council Meeting 5/28/2019 2:00:00 PM
Tuesday, May 28, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.7
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The City of Sparks recently had a traffic study conducted on Baring Blvd, in the area adjacent to Reed High School. The recommendations from this study include various improvements to Baring Blvd, which define the scope of that project and include reducing the number of crosswalks in this area from four (4) to two (2) and to significantly improve the safety of the two remaining crosswalks through improved overhead lighting and the installation of pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flashing beacons. Refer to the attached vicinity map. The City of Sparks approached Washoe County School District about a financial partnership for these improvements, resulting in the attached proposed interlocal agreement. Through this interlocal agreement, Washoe County School District is agreeing to reimburse the City of Sparks for 50% of the actual costs of that project.
Currently there are four (4) existing crosswalks across Baring Boulevard between Reed High School and the Smith's shopping center to the south, commonly known as “Baring Village”. There is considerable pedestrian traffic between Reed High School and this shopping center on a regular basis and there have been accidents and fatalities in this area. To improve the safety and operations of this area, this project will reduce the number of crosswalks in this area from four (4) to two (2) and will significantly improve the safety of the two remaining crosswalks through improved overhead lighting and the installation of pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flashing beacons. The City of Sparks approached Washoe County School District about a financial partnership for these improvements, resulting in the attached proposed interlocal agreement.
The interlocal agreement will create a financial partnership between The City of Sparks and WCSD, with each party paying 50% of the actual construction costs associated with the 2019 Baring Blvd Safety Project. That project will construct the improvements from the traffic study conducted in the area to improve safety for pedestrians. Through this interlocal agreement, Washoe County School District is agreeing to reimburse the City of Sparks for 50% of the actual costs of that project. The project bid was $185,600.00– making WCSD’s reimbursable share approximately $92,800. Reimbursement will be credited back to the Road Fund 1401.
The interlocal agreement is attached for review and discussion.
- City Council could approve the interlocal agreement as outlined by staff.
- City Council could reject the interlocal agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Interlocal Agreement (AC-5563) with the Washoe County School District in which the School District will reimburse the City of Sparks fifty percent (50%) of the total actual costs associated with the installation of the 2019 Baring Blvd Safety Project improvements, with a total estimated project cost of $185,600.
Attached Files: