Sparks City Council Meeting 4/22/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, April 22, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.4
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The budget recommendations for FY20 heard in a previous agenda item today included organizational changes and the incorporation of a new organizational chart. In the Management Professional & Technical (MP) Resolution-Appendix A, one title change is needed to match the organizational change. If approved today by council, the MP Resolution-Appendix A will be effective April 22, 2019.
The budget recommendations for FY20 heard in a previous agenda item today included a new organizational structure. The purpose of this agenda item is to complete the organizational changes by updating the Management, Professional and Technical Resolution Appendix A in accordance with the new structure and organizational chart.
In order to implement the changes, one classification change is recommended in the MP Resolution-Appendix A effective April 22, 2019.
Classification (Title) Change:
The title of Human Resources Manager will be changed to Human Resources Director. This position remains leveled at a nineteen, therefore there is no financial impact. The MP Resolution-Appendix A will require an update to reflect the change in title.
1. The City Council may approve the Appendix A change to the Management, Professional and Technical Resolution.
2. The City Council may not approve Appendix A change to the Management, Professional and Technical Resolution.
3. The City Council may not approve Appendix A change to the Management, Professional and Technical Resolution, but provide direction or alternatives to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the amendment to the attached Management, Professional and Technical Resolution (R-3341), Appendix A effective April 22, 2019 as by presented by staff.
Attached Files: