Sparks City Council Meeting 4/22/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, April 22, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.5
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The budget recommendations for FY20 heard in a previous agenda item today included organizational changes and the incorporation of a new organizational chart. For the Executive Employee Resolution, this includes one classification level change, elimination of a title, and a title change. If approved today by council, the Executive Employee Resolution-Appendix A will be effective April 22, 2019.
The budget recommendations for FY20 heard in a previous agenda item today included a new organizational structure. The purpose of this agenda item is to complete the organizational changes by updating the Executive Employee Resolution-Appendix A in accordance with the new structure and organizational chart as required by Spark Municipal Code 2.08.020 (D).
The recommended changes include one classification level change, elimination of a title, and a title change in the Executive Employee Resolution-Appendix A effective April 22, 2019.
Classification Level Change:
The City Manager’s recommended organizational change includes the addition of an Assistant City Manager. The Assistant City Manager’s job description and organizational chart were sent to Korn Ferry Hay. HAY analyzed the gathered information and applied their proprietary points-based classification system and assigned the appropriate classification levels.
HAY recommended a classification level change to twenty-three. The current single classification of Assistant City Manager is leveled at a twenty-four. The Executive Employee Resolution-Appendix A will require an update to reflect the change in pay. Below is the comparison of the ranges:
Level 24:
Minimum: |
Maximum: |
$146,328 |
$219,482 |
Level 23:
Minimum: |
Maximum: |
$135,491 |
$203,216 |
Title Removal:
Community Services Director
Removal of the title of Community Services Director is recommended as the role is now incorporated into one of two Assistant City Manager positions. Budget impacts were presented as part of the City Manager’s budget recommendations for FY20 heard in a previous agenda item today.
Classification (Title) Change:
The title of Financial Service Director will be changed to Chief Financial Officer. This position remains leveled at a twenty-two, therefore there is no financial impact.
The attached Executive Employee Resolution-Appendix A has been updated to reflect the changes.
1. The City Council may approve the Appendix A changes to the Executive Employee Resolution.
2. The City Council may not approve Appendix A changes to the Executive Employee Resolution.
3. The City Council may not approve Appendix A changes to the Executive Employee Resolution but provide direction or alternatives to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the amendments to the attached Executive Employee Resolution (R-3344), Appendix A effective April 22, 2019 as by presented by staff.
Attached Files: