Sparks City Council Meeting 2/13/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 13, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Council Chambers
General Business: 6.5
Title: Consideration and possible adoption of Resolution #3214 supporting a coordinated and cooperative multijurisdictional approach to transportation improvements in northern Nevada and trans-sierra communities.
Petitioner/Presenter: Jon Ericson, Transportation Manager/Carl Hasty, Tahoe Transportation District
Recommendation: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the suggested resolution.
Financial Impact: None.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required. This is a rule but does not impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business, or directly restrict the formation, operation or exemption of a business.
A Business Impact Statement is not required. This is a rule but does not impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business, or directly restrict the formation, operation or exemption of a business.
Agenda Item Brief: Adoption of the Resolution which will support a coordinated and cooperative multijurisdictional approach for the region.
Background: The City of Sparks is collaborating with the Tahoe Transportation District (TTD) regarding the creation of a Trans-Sierra Coalition. This supports the goals for regional connectivity in the draft 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and Unify Regionalize Diversify: An Economic Development Agenda for Nevada which was prepared in response to Economic Development Bill AB 449. The coalition concept is beginning with resolutions of support for transportation capital investments as a step to collect a unified voice in the region. The concept is intended to be customized for each jurisdiction if they choose with the central theme of investment in each. To date the Tahoe Transportation District, Douglas County, the two TMAs at Lake Tahoe and the South Shore Chamber have joined the effort.
Analysis: The next steps in the creation of the coalition would be to have the RTC, Cities of Sparks and Reno and Washoe County join.
Alternatives: 1. City Council could adopt the resolution as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the resolution and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: “I move to adopt Resolution # 3214 supporting a coordinated and cooperative multijurisdictional approach to transportation improvements in northern Nevada and trans sierra communities.
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