Sparks City Council Meeting 2/13/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 13, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Council Chambers
General Business: 6.2
Title: Consideration and possible approval of the Fire Station #4 Sewer Main Project, Bid No. 11/12-017, PWP-WA-2012-108 to A & K Earth Movers, Inc., in the amount of $130,500.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Director of Community Services/Christopher S. Cobb, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve the Fire Station #4 Sewer Main Project, Bid No. 11/12-017, PWP-WA-2012-108, to A & K Earth Movers, Inc., in the amount of $130,500.
Financial Impact: The approved budget for the Fire Station #4 Lift Station Rehabilitation Project (CIP 12-6622) in the FY12 CIP is $100,000. The remaining $30,500 will be moved from the Lyyski Sewer Rehabilitation Project (CIP 12-6620) which has been completed and has come under-budget. The account number to be used for the encumbrance is 604060 Program 12-6622.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible approval of the Fire Station #4 Sewer Main Project, Bid No. 11/12-017, PWP-WA-2012-108 to A & K Earth Movers, Inc., in the amount of $130,500. This project will replace the existing sewage lift station serving Fire Station #4 with a gravity sewer main connecting to the sewer interceptor in Disc Drive. City staff recommends approval.
Background: The existing sewage lift station serving Fire Station #4 was built with the fire station in 1997 because the fire station sits below the elevation of the sewer interceptor in Disc Drive. In reviewing the operation and maintenance costs of the City sewer system, City staff noted the high cost to operate and maintain this lift station. Due to the small volume of sewage flows from the fire station, the holding tank (wet well) must fill for several days before the pump starts. This extended holding time allows the sewage to turn to a septic condition (the beginning of sewage fermentation) which is more corrosive to the pumping equipment and plumbing and causes frequent clogging of the system. City staff looked at two possible alignments for a gravity sewer main between the fire station and Disc Drive and selected the second alignment as it will be less expensive to build and maintain. Portions of the asphalt pavement to be replaced in Disc Drive for the sewer main construction have also been identified for replacement through the City’s roadway pavement assessment and replacement program. This will permit correction and repair of two separate conditions while disrupting vehicle traffic only once on the roadway.
Analysis: The project was advertised in the Reno Gazette Journal on January 4, 2012 and copies were distributed to local plan rooms. Nine (9) bids were opened at City Hall on January 19, 2012. Bid results ranged in cost from $99,207.50 to $174,040. The contract amount includes a force account of $10,000 if required to correct unforeseen conditions: there are no alternate bid items in this project. Upon reviewing the submittals required with each bid, it was observed that Peek Brothers Construction, Inc. has failed to list itself as the performing contractor for portions of the work as now required under NRS 338.141. Under recent revisions to the Nevada Revised Statues (NRS), the prime contractor must list himself for the portion of the work he will perform on the same sheet used to list sub-contractors who will perform 5% or more of the value of the work. Failure to disclose the distribution of the contracted work between prime contractor and subcontractors has been reviewed at the state and local level over the last six months with the conclusion that this is considered a non-responsive bid and subject to disqualification in the bid process. The City Attorney concurs with this interpretation and recommends that this bid be found non-responsive and disqualified. This finding does not subject the contractor to any penalty other than disqualification in this bid nor does it prejudice the contractor from participating in future publically bid projects. There were no other irregularities in the bids. Given the above circumstances, A & K Earth Movers is the responsive low bidder for this project in the amount of $130,500. A recap of the bids follows below: Engineer’s Estimate $124,800.00 A & K Earth Movers $130,500.00 Gerhardt & Berry Construction $134,061.00 Stampede Construction $146,570.00 Atlas Construction $147,728.18 Sierra Nevada Construction $157,007.00 Campbell Construction $168,177.00 Peavine Construction $168,230.00 Q & D Construction $174,040.00 Peek Brothers Construction $99,207.50 - Non Responsive
Alternatives: 1. City Council could approve the Fire Station #4 Sewer Main Project as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the Fire Station #4 Sewer Main Project and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: “I move to approve the Fire Station #4 Sewer Main Project, Bid No. 11/12-017, PWP-WA-2012-108 to A & K Earth Movers, Inc., in the amount of $130,500.”
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