Sparks City Council Meeting 10/22/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 22, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.3

Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund Account: 604090 Program: TMWRF Nitrogen Removal System Pilot Testing (19-6581) Amount: $97,366.36 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Staff is asking the City Council to approve an agreement between the City of Sparks, City of Reno and the University of Nevada to perform pilot testing of the enhanced DON removal process at TMWRF. The total cost of the agreement is $310,380.48 with the City of Sparks’ share of $97,366.36.
Background: TMWRF currently has a discharge permit that limits the daily mass of nitrogen that is released to the Truckee River. The current treatment technologies at TMWRF operate efficiently for the removal of inorganic nitrogen but do not remove dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) from the effluent to any appreciable degree. The majority of the total nitrogen currently being discharged via effluent leaving the plant is in the DON form. Therefore, in anticipation of increased sewer flows due to future regional growth, staff continues to investigate options for efficient removal of nitrogen from the effluent being discharged to the Truckee River.
A previous evaluation was completed by Carollo Engineers (2013) that considered the cost of several different methods for removal of DON from the effluent. The options evaluated included activated carbon adsorption, ozone treatment and coagulation/filtration removal. TMWRF staff has worked with UNR to perform laboratory testing of the three treatment technologies using TMWRF effluent. Based on the results of the UNR laboratory testing, the most cost efficient and reliable enhanced nitrogen removal process is the coagulation / filtration process. Therefore, the next step in evaluating the preferred enhanced nitrogen removal technology is pilot scale testing at TMWRF for up to 12 months. The pilot testing will provide key data for the future design of a full-scale treatment system. This effort will include development of cost estimates for full-scale implementation and operation of the treatment process.
This agreement includes assistance from UNR staff to develop an experimental and operations plan for the enhanced nitrogen removal pilot system. It also includes assistance in setup, 12-month operation, experimentation, testing and performance evaluation of the pilot scale coagulation / filtration treatment facility. The pilot scale treatment equipment is comprised of pumps, pipes, valves, instrumentation, cleaning systems, contact tank, tube settlers, granular filters, and appurtenances contained in the WesTech Trident HS2/R199 pilot trailer. The equipment is contained in a mobile trailer that helps make it easier for relocation and provides protection from the weather. This equipment/trailer is currently being used by Washoe County at the South Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (STMWRF) for a pilot study associated with advanced effluent treatment. UNR staff is also involved with the pilot study at STMWRF and operation of the WesTech Engineering, Inc. equipment. It should be noted that both Washoe County Staff and UNR staff, that have been operating the equipment, will be available to assist in the efficient startup and operation of the relocated pilot test equipment.
- The City Council can approve the agreement as submitted by Staff.
- The City Council can reject the agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the agreement with the University of Nevada, Reno for assistance in process operation, testing and performance evaluation of the enhanced DON removal pilot equipment at TMWRF in the amount of $310,380.48, with the City of Sparks’ portion being $97,366.36.
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