Sparks City Council Meeting 10/8/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 8, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
In the 2017 legislative session, Senator Julia Ratti proposed a constitutional amendment bill, SJR 14. This bill looks to add sections 11 and 12 to Section 1, Article 10 of the Nevada Constitution. SJR 14 would not change the depreciation or abatement rules, they will still exist, but they will reset to zero upon sale. The idea behind SJR 14 is to eliminate property tax inequities that can exist throughout Nevada when comparing homes of equal value.
Councilman Lawson would like to publish an op-ed piece in the Reno Gazette Journal before early voting starts in Washoe County that clears up some misconceptions on what this bill would ultimately do to a property owners tax bill.
SJR 14 looks to accomplish three (3) things:
- Resets the abatement on an existing house at sale (the abatement no longer stays with a house forever)
- Resets the depreciation on an existing house at sale
- Allow payment of refunds of the taxes imposed on a primary residence for people over 62 or a person with a disability. The refund of taxes would also apply to the above said people who rent their primary residence as long as the eligible refund must not exceed the portion of the rent which is deemed to constitute accrued property tax.
Councilman Lawson, with the consensus of the Mayor and Council, wanted the opportunity to help stop the spread of misinformation so the voters of Sparks and all of Washoe County can make an informed decision and an informed vote in the future.
This is the proposed SJR 14 new sections 11 and 12, as was enrolled in the 2017 Legislative session:
11. For the purposes of assessment and taxation of
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, for
the first fiscal year after the sale or transfer of real property,
the real property sold or transferred shall not be eligible for
any adjustment provided by the Legislature by law based on
the age of improvements to the real property, any abatement
of the tax upon the real property provided by the Legislature
by law pursuant to subsection 8 or any abatement or
exemption provided by the Legislature by law pursuant to
subsection 10. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply
to real property for which the Legislature has provided by
law for an exemption of the tax on property.
(b) For any fiscal year following the first fiscal year
after the sale or transfer of real property to which the
provisions of paragraph (a) apply, any adjustment provided
by the Legislature by law based the age of improvements
to the real property must be determined as if the
improvements were new improvements on the date of the
sale or transfer.
The Legislature shall provide by law for definitions of the
terms “sale” and “transfer” as necessary to carry out the
provisions of this subsection.
12. The Legislature shall provide by law for a program
to provide for the payment of refunds of the taxes imposed
on the primary residence of a person domiciled in this State
who is 62 years of age or older or a person with a disability.
If such a person rents his or her primary residence, the
amount of the refund for which the person is eligible must
not exceed the portion of the rent which is deemed to
constitute accrued property tax. The Legislature shall
establish by law:
(a) The criteria which a person must satisfy to be
eligible for such a refund; and
(b) The amount of the refund to be paid to a person
eligible for such a refund, which may consist of a graduated
refund based on the household income of such a person.
The Council may vote to not have the op-ed published in the RGJ.
The Council may vote to have the op-ed published in the RGJ.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve Council Member Ed Lawson's op-ed on SJR 14 and submit to the Reno Gazette Journal for publication.
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