Sparks City Council Meeting 7/23/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 23, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.8
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Sparks Arts and Culture Advisory Committee (ACAC) was established in 2016 with five members of the public serving as voting ACAC members. All five voting members were to be appointed by the Mayor and served two-year terms. The Resolution formally establishing the ACAC stated that each member’s term would be coterminous with that of their appointing elected official, subject to reappointment every two (2) years. Because all five voting ACAC members are appointed by the Mayor, this language referring to other elected officials created an inconsistency while also resulting in a lack of continuity because all five ACAC members would turn over every two years. Resolution No. 3338 would resolve the inconsistency and allow for continuity by off-setting the terms of the ACAC members.
The Sparks Arts and Culture Advisory Committee (ACAC) was established in 2016 with five members of the public. Since that time, a strategic plan has been written and committee members have begun executing programs. The strategic plan extends to the year 2020, as do several of the projects in which the ACAC is involved. Given these long-range goals, some degree of continuity in membership is desirable. In addition, an inconsistency was discovered in Resolution 3296, which originally formally established the ACAC. While all voting ACAC members were to be appointed by the Mayor, Resolution 3296 also stated that the members’ terms would be “coterminous with that of their appointing elected official,” suggesting that City Council members rather than the Mayor appointed ACAC members. The first members were appointed in 2016, so the revisions attached would leave two of the first-appointed members having three-year terms and the three other first-appointed members with two-year terms. Then all members would have off-set two-year terms after that first term.
Current wording of resolution:
A total of six (6) Members will make-up the ACAC. Membership to the ACAC is appointed in the following manner:
Two members with performing arts background;
Two members with visual arts background;
One member with a humanities background.
The Parks and Recreation Director will assign one, non-voting staff member.
Members shall serve a term that is coterminous with that of their appointing elected official, subject to reappointment every two (2) years.
The wording of Resolution No. 3296 thus has the terms of all voting members of the ACAC expire at the same time; there is no overlap of terms, undermining continuity. In addition, the reference to each member’s “appointing elected official” is inconsistent with the earlier statement that the Mayor appoints the five voting members of the ACAC.
Proposed wording:
A total of six (6) Members will make-up the ACAC. Membership to the ACAC is appointed in the following manner:
Two members with performing arts background;
One term expires 2018 and every two years thereafter.
One term expires in 2019 and every two years thereafter.
Two members with visual arts background;
One term expires 2018 and every two years thereafter.
One term expires in 2019 and every two years thereafter.
One member with a humanities background;
One term expires in 2018 and every two years thereafter.
The Parks and Recreation Director will assign one, non-voting staff member.
The proposed language does not change the qualifications for membership on the ACAC, the appointment process, or the generally applicable two-year term of office. The proposed language simply creates continuity by stating that the term of office for each member shall be two years. The proposed language also removes the inconsistent reference to another “appointing elected official.”
These changes to the ACAC appointment process will allow the members that have begun the projects started in this strategic plan to have overlapping terms and continue uninterrupted in working on existing long-term projects while also removing the inconsistency regarding the authority to appoint the voting members of the ACAC.
1. The Council adopt the Resolution No. 3338 to amend the process for appointing members to the Sparks Arts and Culture Advisory Committee as proposed by staff.
2. The Council may not adopt the Resolution No. 3338 to amend the process for appointing members to the Sparks Arts and Culture Advisory Committee as proposed by staff.
3. The Council may not adopt the Resolution No. 3338 to amend the process for appointing members to the Sparks Arts and Culture Advisory Committee as proposed by staff and provide other direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to adopt the Resolution No.3338 to amend the process for appointing members to the Sparks Arts and Culture Advisory Committee as proposed by staff.
Attached Files: