Sparks City Council Meeting 7/23/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 23, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a petition by the property owner, Marc Bebout, for annexation of a parcel approximately 1.9 acres in size and located at 2101 Sullivan Lane. Upon annexation the parcel will convert from a Washoe County zoning designation of E-1 (Estate Residential, 15,000 sq. ft. lot size) to a City of Sparks zoning designation of SF15 (Residential Single Family, 15,000 sq. ft. lot size). On June 7, 2018, the Sparks Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval of this annexation petition to the City Council.
The subject property is located at the southwest corner of Sullivan Lane and Kelly Ranch Drive and bounded on three sides by the Sparks city limits. (Exhibit 01 – Vicinity Map). According to the Washoe County Assessor’s records, there are three residential units and two detached garages, constructed in 1955, on this property. The property is part of the P J Kelly’s Ranch subdivision.
The western half of Sullivan Lane adjacent to the subject property has not been annexed into the City of Sparks but the City of Sparks already maintains the entire width of Sullivan Lane. This annexation petition includes annexing the western portion of Sullivan Lane adjacent to the subject property, a distance of 415 feet.
On June 7, 2018, the Sparks Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and voted to forward a recommendation of approval for this annexation petition to the City Council. (Refer to Exhibit 2, Planning Commission Report of Action.)
The applicant is requesting voluntary annexation of 1.9 acres into the City of Sparks in anticipation of redeveloping the property. (Refer to annexation map attached to Exhibit 01). The three existing homes on the property are served by municipal water and sewer. If annexed, the Washoe County zoning designation of E-1 (Estate Residential, 15,000 sq. ft. lots) would convert to the City’s SF15 (Single Family Residential, 15,000 sq. ft. lots) zoning designation.
Finding A1. The request conforms to the requirements of NRS 268.
The City’s Seven Year Annexation Program has expired. However, NRS 268.670 allows the City of Sparks to consider annexing property without an annexation program if the property is contiguous to the City limits and annexation is requested by all of the property owners. Because the subject property is contiguous to the City limits and annexation is being requested by the only property owner, the annexation can be considered.
Finding A2. The request conforms to the findings established for annexation applications pursuant to the Sparks Municipal Code 20.05.05.
Sparks Municipal Code 20.05.05 requires annexation requests to be reviewed for the following considerations:
- Location of the property to be considered for annexation:
The property being considered for annexation is located at the southwest corner of Sullivan Lane and Kelly Ranch Drive. The property is contiguous to the City limits on three sides and is within the City’s Sphere of Influence. (Exhibit 01 – Vicinity Map).
- The logical extension of City limits:
The property being considered for annexation is contiguous to the Sparks city limits on three sides. The property is already served by existing City utilities and services and is accessible from two City streets. The subject property is part of a Washoe County island surrounded by an older section of the City of Sparks. Annexing the subject property represents a logical extension of the City limits.
- The need for expansion to accommodate planned regional growth:
Annexation of this property would provide additional land for development to serve regional growth. While this application for annexation was submitted prior to any requests for a project approval or land use entitlement, the fiscal impact analysis submitted by the applicant is based on the proposed redevelopment of the site as a recreational vehicle (RV) storage facility.
- The location of existing and planned water and sewer service:
The subject property is currently served by the City of Sparks for sanitary sewer and the Truckee Meadows Water Authority for water service.
- Community goals that would be met by the proposed annexation:
The Comprehensive Plan goals and policies that would be met by the proposed annexation are:
Goal MG6: Promote compact development to reduce the per capita cost of providing infrastructure, public facilities and public services.
The subject property is adjacent to an older part of Sparks. This site is within the McCarran loop and is served by City services. Annexation and redevelopment of the property are logical because it is currently served by City services, advancing Goal MG6.
Policy MG7: When reviewing annexation requests, the City will consider whether the proposed annexation: a) is included in the City’s Seven Year Annexation Program; b) is needed for the City’s growth within seven years; c) represents a logical extension of the city limits; d) allows for efficient and cost effective provision of public services and capital facilities; and e) would be fiscally positive for a period of at least 20 years. When reviewing land use entitlements (e.g. master plan amendments, zone changes, tentative maps, conditional use permits) for land annexed within the previous 10-year period, the City may require an updated fiscal analysis if the proposed development materially varies from the development contemplated in the fiscal analysis prepared for the annexation.
Items a through c are discussed above. Item d is addressed in paragraphs d (above) and f (below). Item e is addressed in paragraph G below.
Policy CF1: When reviewing new development, the City will not approve an application unless the City services can be provided at acceptable service levels.
The subject property is already served by City utilities and services, complying with Policy CF1.
- The efficient and cost-effective provision of service areas and capital facilities:
The subject property is served by City of Sparks sanitary sewer. Fire service would be provided from Sparks Fire Station Number 1.
- Fiscal analysis regarding the proposed annexation:
The fiscal impact analysis (FIA) submitted by the applicant is based on the proposed redevelopment of the property as a recreational vehicle (RV) storage facility. The FIA estimates that development of the property as an RV storage facility will generate $136,173 over the 20-year analysis period for the City’s General Fund. The estimated expenses to the General Fund are $121,192, which includes all General Fund costs (police, fire, judicial, etc.), as well as a 3% contingency amount. The annexation is thus estimated to have a cumulative positive impact on the City of Sparks General Fund of $14,981 over the 20-year analysis period. (Exhibit 03 - Fiscal Impact Analysis). The project is also expected to result in the City’s annexation of 415 linear feet of one-half of Sullivan Lane. As the FIA notes, however, the City is already maintaining this section of this road and therefore the FIA assumes the City will not be incurring additional road maintenance costs due to this annexation.
- Whether Washoe County has adopted a Community Management Plan for the proposed annexation area:
The Washoe County Community Services Department submitted a letter stating it had no comments on this annexation petition. (Exhibit 04 – Agency Comments).
- Whether the annexation creates any islands:
This annexation would remove a portion of an existing Washoe County island. The subject parcel is the only parcel in the island that is directly served by two City streets. Regardless of whether this annexation is approved, an island will remain.
- Any other factors concerning the proposed annexation deemed appropriate for consideration by the City Council:
Staff did not identify any other factors to consider pertaining to this annexation request.
Finding A3. The property requested to be annexed conforms to the Comprehensive Plan as it is within the City’s Sphere of Influence and Seven Year Annexation Program.
The City of Sparks initially exerted planning jurisdiction by including this area in its Sphere of Influence in 2002. The City’s Annexation Program expired in 2015. However, NRS 268.670 allows the annexation of this property without an annexation program because the property is contiguous to the City limits and annexation is requested by the sole property owner.
Finding A4. Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code.
Public notice was given per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code and Nevada Revised Statutes. The proposed annexation was noticed, at a minimum, to all property owners within 750 feet of the subject properties. Letters were mailed to 118 property owners. The public notice was published in the Reno Gazette Journal on May 24, 2018. The Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as the public hearings for this item.
- The City Council can adopt Bill 2744 to annex the property at 2101 Sullivan Lane.
- The City Council could remand the annexation request back to Planning Commission with direction.
- The City Council could deny the annexation petition.
Recommended Motion:
I move, based on Findings A1 through A4 as set forth in the staff report, to adopt Bill 2744 to annex into the city of Sparks real property approximately 1.9 acres in size located at 2101 Sullivan Lane, Sparks, Nevada.
Attached Files: