Sparks City Council Meeting 8/13/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 13, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.1

Fund: General Fund Account: 603242 Program: State - Legislative (050312) Amount: $73,238.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: This expenditure will occur in next year's budget (FY19) |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
In the past, the City of Sparks has utilized contract counsel to support and assist the city’s legislative affairs function during the Nevada Legislative Session. The city has a need to retain and utilize a legislative lobbyist (Carrara Nevada, LLC) to assist the city in its legislative presence for services related to the Pre-2019 Session, 2019 Legislative Session, and Post-2019 Session encompassing the time frame from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020.
The proposed agreement includes for two mutually agreed upon extensions—1) July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022 and 2) July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024.
The Carrara Group, LLC, dba Carrara Nevada, LLC (Carrara) has over 50 years of experience in governmental affairs in Nevada representing corporate, association, and government clients. Carrara has been retained as the city’s contract legislative strategist since 2007. During the 2017 session, Carrara provided a key role in lobbying and advising the city on state legislative matters, supporting relationship building with key legislators and state leaders, and providing strategic guidance on issue management.
Under the provisions of the proposed professional service agreement, staff wishes to once again retain the legislative and counseling services of Carrara Nevada, LLC for fulfilling the Sparks Council’s State Legislative Platform. Under this contract, Carrara will engage in the day-to-day operations of state legislative activities while still providing strategic guidance to the city. The proposed approach by Carrara is developed toward addressing the needs of the residents of Sparks during the interim and legislative session, while being mindful of the downsizing and budgetary restraints being felt but the city. Carrara has a proven record of working together with the city to strategically position the city legislatively addressing the needs of the citizens of Sparks and particularly the Sparks Council.
Under the Sparks Legislative Platform, the City Manager has reviewed and supports the proposed agreement with Carrara. The central roles of Carrara will be Legislative Lobbyist and Strategist. Carrara will continue to serve as a strategic advisor and lobbyist to the city during the 2019 Nevada Legislative Session. During the interim session, Carrara will advise the City’s government affairs team on matters concerning interim committees working on local government issues for the upcoming session. Carrara will attend interim committee hearings with a direct impact on the city. Additionally, they will meet with key legislators to discuss city issues and will set-up and attend meetings between city officials and state leaders. Carrara will continue to operate in a manner setting the course during the 2019 session, which includes supporting efforts of the Nevada League of Cities & Municipalities.
Carrara will primarily engage on issues that solely impact the city’s bottom-line and the citizenry of Sparks. Carrara will continue the assumption that once the city opts to disengage on a bill, the only way re-engagement can occur is if a specific amendment to a bill creates a city-specific problem. Otherwise, the first assumption would apply.
Communication plays a key role in the overall success or failure of the city’s efforts with legislators. While Carrara's proposal suggests communication with legislators should occur between the City Council and members of the Legislature, Carrara also envisions the need for staff to keep state legislators informed on important initiatives. Thus, while in Carson City, Carrara staff will play a key role in keeping legislators informed on important city initiatives. However, outside of the session, and particularly during the interim, city staff through the City Manager will keep the lines of communication open with legislators, especially, the members of the Sparks delegation, with the guidance and assistance of Carrara.
Carrara will provide weekly reports during the session which will be sent electronically to the Mayor, City Council and City Manager. Carrara will meet with the city’s government affairs team on a regularly (weekly) basis and brief the Council when requested on specific matters.
Proposed Contract Cost: The proposed contract’s initial term is from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020 for providing legislative and counseling services to the city for the Pre-2019 Session, the 2019 Legislative Session and the Post-2019 Session interim leading into the 2021 Session. The total proposed cost for the two-year engagement is $107,888 with $73,238 being paid in FY2019 and $34,650 being paid in FY2020. The FY2019 amount was approved by the Council as part of the FY19 City Manager’s Budget Recommendations approved on May 29, 2018 (Agenda Item 9.9)
The proposed contract, also, contemplates two mutually agreed upon extensions covering the 2021 Session (July 1, 2020 through June, 2022) for a projected cost of $113,282 and the 2023 Session (July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024) for a projected cost of $118,946.
NOTE: Any Special Session work required by the city to be performed by Carrara has a separate cost component as defined in the agreement.
1. The Council may approve the legislative and counseling service contract with Carrara Nevada as proposed by staff.
2. The Council may not approve the legislative and counseling service contract with Carrara Nevada as proposed by staff.
3. The Council may not approve the legislative and counseling service contract with Carrara Nevada as proposed by staff and provide other direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the two-year contract with Carrara Nevada, LLC for state legislative and counseling services in the amount of $107,888.
Attached Files: