Sparks City Council Meeting 2/26/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 26, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a request by ARC Health and Wellness for a Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land use from Intermediate Density Residential (IDR – 6 to less than 10 dwelling units) to Commercial (C) for a site approximately 0.878 acres in size and located at 1855 N. McCarran Boulevard. The Planning Commission approved this amendment on January 24, 2018. The City Manager recommends that the City Council certify the amendment.
The subject property is located at 1855 N. McCarran Boulevard. (Refer to Exhibit 1 - Vicinity Map). According to the Washoe County Assessor’s records, the parcel has an existing house on it that was constructed in 1965. In 1991, this property was included in an application for a zone change and tentative map. Morgan Subdivision, which the subject parcel is within, is an eleven-parcel subdivision recorded October 8, 1999.
In addition to this request for a Comprehensive Plan land use amendment, ARC Health and Wellness submitted an application to rezone the subject property from SF9 (Single Family Residential) to PO (Professional Office). The applicant has indicated they intend to convert the existing house on the property to an office building.
On January 4, 2018, the Sparks Planning Commission approved the Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land use designation from Intermediate Density Residential (IDR – 6 to less than 10 dwelling units) to Commercial (C). The Planning Commission also voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the Sparks City Council of the rezoning request (Refer to Planning Commission Report of Action).
This agenda item asks the City Council to certify a Comprehensive Plan Amendment changing the land use designation for a property approximately 0.88 acres in size and located at 1855 N. McCarran Boulevard. (Refer to Exhibit 2 – Existing Site)
The property is currently designated on the Sparks Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Intermediate Density Residential (IDR – 6 to less than 10 dwelling units/acres). (Refer to Exhibit 3 - Existing Land Use). The applicant is requesting to change the land use designation to Commercial (C). (Refer to Exhibit 4 - Proposed Land Use)
The Planning Commission approved the amendment on January 4, 2018.
Finding CP1: The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment would be in conformance with the Regional Plan land use/intensity designation.
The Truckee Meadows Regional Plan Goals and Policies relevant to this project are:
Goal 1.1 Between 2007 and 2030, at least 99% of the region’s population growth and 99% of the region’s jobs growth will be located in the Truckee Meadows Service Areas (TMSA).
The property is located within the City of Sparks portion of the TMSA.
Goal 1.2 Local government and affected entity master plans, facilities plans and other similar plans will provide for the necessary resources, services and infrastructure to support the densities summarized in Table 1.2.1 of the Regional Plan.
The subject property is located within the older part of Sparks with direct access from N. McCarran Boulevard. The existing house on the site is served by utilities including City sanitary sewer and is on an existing well for water service. The existing well can continue to be used.
Finding CP2: The Comprehensive Plan amendment would implement the goals listed within the Sparks Comprehensive Plan as listed in the staff report.
The Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies that are relevant to this proposal include:
Goal MG1 Support economic vitality by providing a non-residential land use base.
Goal MG2 Foster diversity in the land use mix including residential, commercial, industrial, employment and recreational areas citywide.
Approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning requests would support Goals MG1 and MG2 by adding land for non-residential uses. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map no longer includes a professional office designation. Instead, offices are a permitted use under the Commercial land use designation. Conversion of this property to an office use under the Commercial land use designation will allow for employment opportunities at this location.
Finding CP3: The Comprehensive Plan Amendment would be compatible with surrounding land uses.
The surrounding land uses and zoning are summarized in the following table:
Direction |
Land Use / Zoning |
North |
Commercial (C) / PO (Professional Office) and SF-15 (Single Family Residential) |
South |
Intermediate Density Residential (IDR)/ SF-6 (Single Family Residential) |
East |
Intermediate Density Residential (IDR)/ SF-6 (Single Family Residential) |
West |
Large Lot Residential (LLR)/SF-9 (Single Family Residential) and SF-40 (Single Family Residential) |
The subject parcel is located on the western side of N. McCarran Boulevard. Due to high traffic volumes, this site is not an ideal location for single-family homes. In 2016, the estimated traffic count at a point just north of the subject site was 18,000 average daily trips.
The properties to the north along McCarran Boulevard are designated on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial to allow professional office uses. Conversion of this property to an office would provide a transitional land use between a busy arterial road and the single-family homes to the west. The single-family residences to the east are separated from the site by N. McCarran Boulevard. To the south are single-family homes, five of which have backyards that share a property line with the subject property. A small office building should, however, be a low-impact neighbor.
Conversion of the structure on the subject property from a residence to an office building will be subject to the Administrative Review process. City staff can address any buffering that may be necessary between the office and adjacent residential uses at that time.
FINDING CP4: Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of Nevada Revised Statutes and Sparks Municipal Code.
Public notice was published in the Reno Gazette-Journal on December 21, 2017. The Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as public hearings for this matter as required by the Nevada Revised Statutes and Sparks Municipal Code.
The neighborhood meeting required by NRS 278.210(2) for the proposed Comprehensive Plan land use amendment was conducted by the applicant’s representative on December 18, 2017. (Refer to Exhibit 7 – Certificate of Verification for Neighborhood Meeting). Three people attended the meeting. The applicant’s representative presented the Comprehensive Plan land use amendment and the rezoning request. Those in attendance did not express any specific concerns about the requests.
- The City Council can certify the Comprehensive Plan amendment.
- The City Council could remand the Comprehensive Plan amendment request back to Planning Commission with direction.
- The City Council could choose not to certify the Comprehensive Plan.
Recommended Motion:
I move to certify the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan changing the land use designation from Intermediate Density Residential (IDR) to Commercial (C) for a site 0.878 acres in size located at 1855 N. McCarran Boulevard, based on the Findings CP1 through CP4, and the facts supporting these findings as set forth in the staff report.
Attached Files: