Sparks City Council Meeting (Amended Agenda) 1/22/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 22, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St. , Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.2
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This Cooperative Local Public Agency Agreement starts the design process for a project that will update as many as 30 intersections in Sparks with audible pedestrian push buttons to further enhance the safety of the blind community. The project, should it move to construction, will require the City to initially fund 100% of the construction cost with Fiscal Year 2019 funding out of the road fund. Per the Terms of the Agreement (attached), 95% of the construction costs will be reimbursed by the State of Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) to the City with the City providing 5% matching funding, estimated to by $13,500. Approving the attached agreement does not, in any way, obligate the City to fund the project.
NDOT provides Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funds which are made available to the State through the Federal Highway Administration and administered by NDOT. The TAP program provides up to 95 percent of project-related cost, with the remaining 5 percent provided by project sponsors. The TAP provides federal funds for community-based projects that expand travel choices and enhance the transportation experience by integrating modes and improving the cultural, historic, and environmental aspects of our transportation infrastructure.
In July of 2016 NDOT made available federal TAP funding for fiscal Years (FY) 16 through 18 projects to support bicycle, pedestrian, multi-use path and transportation-related projects. The City of Sparks applied for funds to update various signalized intersections with audible pedestrian push buttons to better serve our pedestrian community, concentrating on our visually impaired residents. NDOT notified the City in Feburary of 2017 that $260,000 had been programmed towards the project. To initiate the project, the City would first need to enter into a Cooperative Local Public Agency Agreement (LPA) with NDOT.
An approved LPA will allow the project to move forward by starting the federal project approval process. Requirements include NDOT overview through multiple design submittals, bidding, awarding and construction of the project. City staff will be responsible for preparing design and bid documents, construction management and construction administration. Because of the lengthy project submittal and review process, staff is requesting to begin the design process as soon as possible to be prepared to bid and award the project in early FY 19. Approving the attached agreement does not, in any way, obligate the city to fund the project, but will allow the commencement of the design process.
The project, should it move to construction, will require the City to initially fund 100% of the construction cost with FY 19 funding out of road fund 1401. The budget of $260,000 has been established for the project construction element. It is anticipated that with the established budget, 20 to 30 intersections can be retrofitted with audible push buttons. The total number of retrofitted intersection will be established during the design process. It is anticipated to utilize all the existing wiring and underground conduit; therefore, there will be no need to install or relocate any existing utility facilities. Once the project is completed, NDOT will reimburse the City 95% of the total construction cost, not to exceed $256,500. The reimbursed funds are anticipated to go back into fund 1401 to increase budget for a spring of FY 19 roadway rehabilitation project.
Article 2, paragraph 21, of the LPA, calls out the 5% match from the City while also stating that neither NDOT, nor the State will be responsible for any costs exceeding the obligated Federal Funds. At the time of bid and award, the project costs can be controlled by reducing or adding the number of intersections to upgrade should the unit price per intersection come in higher or lower than expected. Article 3, paragraph 12, states that this agreement may be terminated if for any reason Federal and/or State and/or City funding is withdrawn, limited, or impaired. Approving the attached agreement does not, in any way, obligate the City to fund the project.
The approved LPA is the first step in moving this project forward through the design process. Funding for the project will be established during the development and approval of the FY 19 Capital Improvement Plan. It is anticipated this project going to bid in the spring/summer of 2018 and awarding the project in July or early August should City funding be available. The LPA is attached to the staff report.
- City Council could approve the Cooperative Local Public Agency Agreement as outlined by Staff.
- City Council could reject the Cooperative Local Public Agency Agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Cooperative Local Public Agency Agreement with the Nevada Department of Transportation for the Audible Pedestrian Push Button Installation Project with a potential cost to the road fund of $13,500 in Fiscal Year 2019.
Attached Files: