Sparks City Council Meeting 9/11/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 11, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St. , Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.1
A Business Impact Statement is attached.
A Resolution amending Resolutions 2578 and 2735 updating fees charged by the Fire Department of the City of Sparks for certain fire inspections, re-inspections, fire suppression and fire prevention services.
The Fire Prevention Bureau (FPB) fee schedule was created in 1999 to cover the cost of services to hire an additional fire inspector. To this end, the Sparks City Council passed Resolution No. 2578 on July 8, 1999, and Resolution No. 2735 on June 25, 2001. These two Resolutions established and amended fees charged by the Sparks Fire Department for certain fire and life safety inspections, re-inspections, fire suppression, and fire prevention services.
The FPB fee schedule has not been updated since 2001. Since 2002, the Fire Department has averaged $79,000 in inspection fee revenue per year. This revenue is insufficient to cover the cost of the Fire Inspector II position paid for by this program.
Fees for fire prevention inspection services have not been adjusted in over sixteen years. A proposed adjustment in inspection fees will generate the additional revenue needed to pay for the Fire Inspector II position. In May 2017, the City Council approved the FY18 budget, which included an increase of $60,000 in Fire Department fees for the fiscal year.
The Council could choose to deny the proposed Resolution.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve Resolution No. 3317 amending and updating fees charged by the Fire Department of the City of Sparks for certain fire inspections, re-inspections, fire suppression and fire prevention services.
Attached Files: