Sparks City Council Meeting 6/26/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 26, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.8
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Consideration and possible approval of an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with Washoe County for the construction of an additional parking lot at Golden Eagle Regional Park Little League fields in the amount of $300,000. Since the completion of two additional Little League fields at Golden Eagle Regional Park (GERP), parking has been limited. If this agreement is approved, it will provide approximately eighty-eight additional parking spaces. Staff recommends approval.
In the November 2000 election, voters approved the sale of bonds for the purpose of acquiring, improving and equipping parks, trails and open space. This funding is for new items within or related to parks and not for maintenance of existing parks. The Washoe County Board of Commissioners approved a specific project list on April 25, 2000, which included the Spanish Springs Canyon Regional Park, (now known as the Golden Eagle Park & Sports Complex or Golden Eagle Regional Park).
Golden Eagle Regional Park was developed by the City of Sparks on Bureau of Land Management property under a Recreation and Public Purposes Lease-Patent. The initial park was completed in April 2008 and contained two Little League fields with an ability to expand to four. In March 2013, the City of Sparks completed construction of the two additional Little League fields.
Golden Eagle Regional Park Complex has been in use for many years and is in need of additional parking facilities to accommodate the heavy use of the little league fields. In 2013 there was three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) of WC-1 bond proceeds remaining that were earmarked to be used for the construction of a parking lot at the GERP Little League Fields. With the approval of this Interlocal Cooperative Agreement no more funding remains from WC-1 bond proceeds. Any cost in excess of this amount will be contributed by the City of Sparks.
This agreement funds the construction of one parking lot with approximately 88 spaces, pole lights, curb, drainage, and striping improvements on the north side of the existing Golden Eagle Little League fields.
If approved by Council this Interlocal Cooperative Agreement would allow for reimbursement of up to $300,000 towards the construction of the parking lot. The initial estimated cost for construction was $328,000. Since the initial estimated construction cost was obtained local pricing has increased and the new estimated cost is closer to $450,000.
On May 22, 2017 Council approved the FY 18 CIP, which included an additional $150,000 (Program #18-1700) in funding, to cover the remaining cost of the new parking lot. With approval of this Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with Washoe County for $300,000 along with the $150,000 of City of Sparks funds approved by Council in the new FY18 CIP, an additional eighty-eight parking spaces can be constructed at Golden Eagle Regional Park. With approval of this Interlocal Cooperative Agreement, this will give us authorization to bid the project and come back to Council at a later date for approval of a construction contract. A map showing the proposed location of the parking lot and the reimbursement agreement is attached for your review.
1. City Council could accept the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement as outlined by Staff.
2. City Council could reject the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with Washoe County for the construction of an additional parking lot at Golden Eagle Regional Park Little League fields in the amount of $300,000.
Attached Files: