Sparks City Council Meeting 8/22/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 22, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.8
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The current Joint Use Agreement between the Washoe County School District and the City of Sparks is dated October 23, 2000 and was due for a revision.
The current Joint Use Agreement between the City of Sparks (COS) and the Washoe County School District (WCSD) was signed on October 23, 2000. After review of our existing agreement and the City of Reno’s agreement with the WCSD that was updated in 2008, staff realized Reno’s document had many items that staff had accumulated on a “wish list” of potential revisions. Additionally, the agreement was in need of clarifications to minimize the misinterpretations that were occurring when it came to the WCSD utilizing COS developed facilities.
The main purpose of the revision before you was to clean up some of the language to minimize misinterpretation and overall update. Some key things that were added or revised include:
- Addition of the Sparks Youth Sports Foundation (SYSF)
- Slight adjustments in deadlines for facility use applications
- Addition of facility use application approval confirmation requirement
- Addition that WCSD sponsored program end at 5:00 p.m. on specified sites
- Addition of cancelling, rescheduling or relocating programs section
- Addition that WCSD won’t charge COS for before and after school program in WCSD sites
- COS has agreed to maintain infields at a couple of sites
- Additional verbiage regarding the Alf Sorensen Community Center as it relates to the WCSD’s code red notification, security fence procedures and snow/ice removal
- Addition of Before/After School and School Break Program section
- Addition of liability per occurrence language
- Update and review of Exhibits A & B
- Addition of Exhibit C – NRS 393.071
- Addition of Exhibit D – Before/After School Sites
- Addition of Exhibit E – CITY-DEVELOPED facility rules and exceptions to charges
- Update and addition of Exhibit F – Site Maps provided by WCSD
This revised version of the WCSD Joint Use Agreement (JUA) with the COS has been reviewed by each party’s legal counsel. It was also approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission on Wednesday, July 27, 2016. If no revisions are needed, the tentative plan will be a final presentation to the WCSD Board of Trustees on August 23, 2016.
The City Council may elect not to approve the proposed JUA as presented by staff.
The City Council may elect to approve a portion or portions of the proposed JUA as presented by staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Washoe County School District Joint Use Agreement with the City of Sparks as presented by staff.
Attached Files: