Sparks City Council Meeting 8/8/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 8, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 8.6
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Cooperative Agreement between the Sparks Fire Department and the Nevada Division of Forestry expired in 2013. The agreement was not renewed in 2013 because the new statewide WFPP was created in 2012 and the Sparks Fire Department chose not to participate. At the time, budgetary concerns and the lack of significant history of wildland fires within the Sparks city limits were the deciding factors not to participate in the program. Based on an increased wildland threat to our community this season and some improvement in the City’s budget situation, it is in the best interests of the City to participate in the WFPP as it will add financial protection to the City from the costs to suppress a major wildland fire.
The benefits for the City of Sparks would be to control the suppression costs of wildland fires in and around the City. The current process to determine responsibility for suppression expenses is to divide the total suppression costs by each agency’s percentage of “black acres.” This means that whether a fire starts in Sparks or travels into Sparks, the City will be financially responsible for the percentage of land that burns within the City limits. With participation in the WFPP, all suppression costs would be covered by the program including aircraft, hand crews, engines, and back-fill personnel for the City. The State could also become our third party billing agent for all Federal and State fires. If a fire starts in our jurisdiction, like the S Fire on July 6, 2016, the State would also host all the billing and paying responsibilities for the fire. The program will also give the City of Sparks access to use of State inmate crews for all natural disasters and possibly contract work around the city to reduce the wildland threat to the community.
If approved, this agreement would be valid until June 30, 2017. Each subsequent contract would be on a two (2) year cycle that would match the State’s budget cycle.
The Sparks Fire Department maintains mutual aid agreements with local, state, and federal fire agencies to provide resources to assist each other with emergencies that exceed the capabilities of a single agency. The WFPP was initiated in 2012 by order of Governor Brian Sandoval. The WFPP was designed to assist local jurisdictions with wildland fires. The program includes efforts to assist with fire suppression, prevention, fuels management, and rehabilitation.
The previous agreement with Nevada Division of Forestry ended on August 30, 2013. The approval of this Interlocal Contract will provide SFD with the ability to receive/provide mutual aid resources with the Nevada Division of Forestry. This new contract will be in full effect, if approved by the Sparks City Council and the Nevada Board of Examiners, until June 30, 2017. Contracts will then be renewed every two (2) years based on the Nevada fiscal schedule starting on July 1, 2017.
If approved by the City Council, the Interlocal Contract will be sent to the Nevada Board of Examiners for approval at their September 16, 2016 meeting.
Cooperative and mutual aid agreements are crucial in mitigating emergencies that exceed the capabilities of a single agency. The Sparks Fire Department and the Nevada Division of Forestry had a history of working together prior to August 2013. If approved, the Sparks Fire Department and the Nevada Division of Forestry would assist each other primarily for wildland fires but this agreement would also include assistance for natural disasters.
- City Council can choose to not approve the Interlocal Contract between the Sparks Fire Department and the Nevada Division of Forestry.
- City Council can accept the recommended motion.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Interlocal Contract for $10,000 between the Sparks Fire Department and the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources/Nevada Division of Forestry.
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