Sparks City Council Meeting 7/11/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 11, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.7
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
City Council approved the fiscal year 2017 budget, which includes the new needs and reclassification changes addressed in this agenda item. This proposal recommends the corresponding changes to the Appendix A of the Management Professional Resolution to allow city staff to implement the budget as approved.
On May 23, 2016, the Sparks City Council approved the final budget for fiscal year 2017. Included in the budget are new needs positions and reclassifications of positions. This agenda item addresses updates of the Appendix A necessary to allow city staff to implement the fiscal year 2017 budget as approved.
The following new needs positions were approved in the fiscal year 2017 budget and the next step is to add them to the Appendix A:
Title: Salary Range (Effective 7/11/2016):
Assistant Planner $52,043 - $81,915
Retain the Title of Assistant City Clerk/Records Coordinator for now due to the direction of a delayed hire for the second position in the City Clerk’s office. However, in preparation for the future split, add the split titles:
Assistant City Clerk $63,223 - $81,915
Records Coordinator $57,325 - $74,277
The new needs position of Assistant Process Engineer was approved by City Council. Upon reviewing the needs of the department, the existing title of Civil Engineer will be used to fill the position. No changes are required to the Appendix A. The salary range of the existing Civil Engineer position matches what was budgeted.
The council also approved reclassification changes in the fiscal year 2017. The next step is to make the following additions and changes to Appendix A:
Title: Salary Range (Effective 7/11/2016):
Network/Infrastructure Administrator $76,484 - $103,661
Systems Development Administrator $76,484 - $103,661
Changes to Existing Items in Appendix A
Victim Advocate – Change to the Salary Range
Current Salary Range (Effective 7/11/2016): $41,626 - $60,784
New Salary Range (Effective 7/11/2016): $52,043 - $67,700
IT Manager – Change to the Salary Range
Current Salary Range (Effective 7/11/2016): $76,482 - $103,667
New Salary Range (Effective 7/11/2016): $86,434 - $123,753
- The City Council may approve the changes to the Management Professional Resolution, Appendix A.
- The City Council may not approve the changes to the Management Professional Resolution, Appendix A.
- The City Council may not approve the changes to the Management Professional Resolution, Appendix A, but provide other direction to the city staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve Amendment No. 2 to the Management Professional Resolution (R-3279).
Attached Files: