Sparks City Council Meeting 7/11/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 11, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
In anticipation of the upcoming retirement of Fire Chief Thomas R. Garrison, Stephen W. Driscoll, City Manager, has decided to appoint Division Chief Chris L. Maples to the position of Fire Chief, effective September 16, 2016, and the City Council ratified this decision at the June 27, 2016 meeting. An employment agreement between the City of Sparks and Chris L. Maples is proposed for possible approval by the Council.
The City Council, under a separate action, ratified the appointment of Chris L. Maples to the position of Fire Chief, effective September 16, 2016 on June 27, 2016. Based on that action, the Council is asked to approve an Employment Agreement between the City of Sparks and Chris L. Maples.
Sparks City Charter (NRS Chapter 470), Section 1.080 states, Appointive positions. “2. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the City Manager shall appoint heads of each department.” The City Manager recommendation under the companion agenda item is for appointment of Division Chief Chris L. Maples to the department head role of Fire Chief.
The City of Sparks utilizes pay resolutions to define salaries and benefits for unrepresented employees, such as the department heads, not covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements under NRS 288. The position of Fire Chief is already covered under the Executive Resolution, with no changes required.
Before Council in this agenda item is the Employment Agreement, or contract, with Chris L. Maples for the position of Fire Chief. This, combined with the Executive Resolution, defines the terms, conditions, salary and benefits of the position being offered. The cost of the contract for an executive employee is in excess of $50,000. Therefore, it requires approval from the City Council.
City Manager Driscoll will designate Division Chief Maples as the “Acting Fire Chief” to afford him the opportunity to train under Fire Chief Thomas R. Garrison for a period of approximately two and one half months, which is a critical piece of succession planning. Upon retirement of Chief Garrison, newly appointed Chief Maples will assume the role of Fire Chief. The attached Employment Agreement outlines the terms of his proposed contract.
Because the new contract is proposed to replace the contract of the retiring chief, there is no anticipated budgetary impact other than the brief period of overlap for knowledge transfer and training, expected to cost approximately $3,000 in acting pay.
It is recommended the Council approve the Employment Agreement.
- The City Council may approve the Employment Agreement between the City of Sparks and Chris L. Maples for the appointed position of Fire Chief, effective September 16, 2106, as submitted by staff.
- The City Council may not approve the Employment Agreement with Chris L. Maples for the appointed position of Fire Chief.
- The City Council may not approve the Employment Agreement with Chris L. Maples for the appointed position of Fire Chief, but provide other direction to the city staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Employment Agreement between the City of Sparks and Chris L. Maples for the position of Fire Chief, effective September 16, 2016.
Attached Files: