Sparks City Council Meeting 5/23/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, May 23, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.2
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A request from Golden Triangle, LLC for tentative approval of the Planned Development Handbook for Golden Triangle.
In 2003, this property was part of an annexation, master plan amendment, and rezoning that created the Kiley Ranch Northeast Golf Community Planned Development. At the time the handbook for the project was created, this site was left with an Open Space (OS) land use designation and zoned A-40 (Agriculture). In 2014, the master plan land use designation was changed from OS to Mixed Use (MX) and the zoning was changed from A-40 to NUD (New Urban District). In 2015, the handbook for the Kiley Ranch Northeast Golf Community was rescinded.
This application is to create a new Planned Development named Golden Triangle.
As noted above, the site is currently master planned as Mixed Use (MX) and zoned as NUD (New Urban District). Without the adoption of a planned development handbook, the property cannot be developed.
On April 21, 2016 the Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for tentative approval of the Golden Triangle Planned Development Handbook.
The site is located in the North Sparks Sphere of Influence (NSSOI). Policy NSSOI 22a says:
“Require developers to prepare development standards handbooks for all residential, commercial and restricted industrial/business park projects which outline architectural guidelines and performance standards in accordance with the policies of this plan.”
In accordance with that policy the applicant has submitted a handbook for tentative approval. The handbook outlines a palette of uses which range from single and multi family uses to a variety of commercial uses including mini-warehouse. The handbook would also allow a health club over 3000 square feet in size on the site subject to a Conditional Use Permit (CUP).
The handbook does not dictate a specific mix of uses that can be located in the Golden Triangle, but will rely on market demand as well as the developer’s experience, expertise and preferences to determine which uses are developed first and how much of each potential use will be developed. The single use maximums per development type are:
- Single family: 361 units
- Multi-family: 625 units
- Commercial: 590,873 square feet
This approach allows for a high level of flexibility in development. The handbook creates development standards for the permitted use but the mix of those use is intentionally left open. This allows the development to be more reactive to the market.
The Golden Triangle Planned Development will consist of a series of projects that will be developed over time. These projects will be individually reviewed through either the Administrative Review (AR) process or through a Conditional Use Permit (CUP).
Standards for each use type are set out in the handbook for this development. These standards address setbacks, landscaping, and quality of materials and building design. Additional review as part of either the AR or CUP process will also look at traffic and pedestrian circulation, site layout and design, and how each project will relate to, and interact with, past or future projects in the development.
A traffic study has been performed. The executive summary is included in the staff report packet Staff can provide the full study upon request.
The handbook proposes four access points for the development on Vista Boulevard. The main access will be at approximately the midpoint of the development’s frontage along Vista. A signal light will be required at this access point with the first project on the site.
A right-in-right-out access point is proposed at both the northeast and southwest ends of the site. There is an additional secondary gated access point proposed between the main access and the northeast access points.
Staff has reviewed the proposed access points in conjunction with the traffic study and agree with their tentative locations. Precise locations and details for each of those access points will be submitted with project plans and will be reviewed at that time. Each subsequent project will be required to update the traffic report to measure and address any additional impacts that the new development will have on Vista and the nearby transportation system.
PDa In what respects the plan is or is not consistent with the statement of objectives of a planned unit development.
The statement of purpose for this planned development cites a desire to ensure a high quality development with a high level of flexibility in development product in order to response to market demand. This purpose is in alignment with the purpose of a Planned Development as stated in 20.02.012 SMC:
Purpose: this chapter provides for a maximum environmental choice for the citizens of the City of Sparks by encouraging flexibility and creativity of design and a greater diversity of building types, open space arrangements and other aspects of land planning while, at the same time, preserving public welfare, health, and the general intent of the Master Plan. An additional purpose of this chapter is to provide a degree of certainty for the duration of build out of a large tract of land, such certainty not otherwise available in other chapters of this Title.
This project does not fulfill the final stated purpose in the same section:
An additional purpose of this chapter is to provide a degree of certainty for the duration of build out of a large tract of land…
While the amount and location of various potential uses are not specified, the handbook includes maximums for multi-family, single family, and commercial uses. This is less likely to require future amendments to this handbook.
PDb The extent to which the plan departs from zoning and subdivision regulations, otherwise applicable to the property, including but not limited to density, bulk and use, and the reason why these departures are or are not deemed to be in the public interest.
The uses permitted by this handbook and the development process for those uses does not depart from zoning or subdivision regulations that would otherwise be applicable to a property with standard title 20 mixed use zoning. Any future development will be reviewed by either a Conditional Use Permit or an Administrative Review to address potential impacts.
PDc The ratio of residential to nonresidential use in the planned unit development.
The ratio of residential to nonresidential uses in this planned development is not predetermined. The land use regulations in the handbook permit the site to develop solely as any of the permitted uses or as any combination of single family residential, multi-family residential, and commercial uses subject to residential unit and commercial square footage limitations.
PDd The purpose, location and amount of the common open space in the planned unit development, the reliability of the proposals for maintenance and conservation of the common open space, and the adequacy of the amount and purpose of the common open space as related to the proposed density and type of residential development.
Open space and the City’s Hillside Ordinance are addressed in this plan. The planned development as a whole will provide at least 20% open space which amounts to 8.76 acres. This will be accomplished through common areas within each project as well as a large area (8.62 acres) along the east side of the site that shall remain undisturbed.
PDe The physical design of the plan and the manner in which the design does or does not make adequate provision for public services and utilities, provide adequate control over vehicular traffic, and further amenities of light, air, recreation and visual enjoyment.
The provision for public services and utilities and for the amenities of light, air, recreation and visual enjoyment are addressed throughout the handbook. All needed utilities are available in Vista Boulevard and capacity has been previously allocated for the site under its previous inclusion in the Kiley Ranch Northeast Golf Communities Handbook. Traffic impacts have been considered in the traffic analysis and will be updated with each individual project within the Golden Triangle Planned Development.
PDf The relationship, beneficial or adverse, of the proposed planned unit development to the neighborhood in which it is being proposed to be established.
This planned development will primarily have an impact on traffic on Vista Boulevard. Some of the property owners in Wingfield Springs may be able to see this development from their homes but they will not abut this development. The traffic impacts have been addressed in finding PDe. A traffic signal will be installed at Vista Boulevard with the first development project.
PDg In the case of a plan which proposes development over a period of years, the sufficiency of the terms of conditions intended to protect the interests of the public, residents and owners of the planned unit development in the integrity of the plan.
Timing is not addressed in this handbook. Each individual project will be required to be completed as they are built but provide access (both vehicular and to utilities) for the next project. Development of each project will be reviewed through the Administrative Review process to ensure cohesiveness throughout the entirety of the planned development, as it builds out.
City Council may choose to deny the request to approve the tentative Planned Development Handbook for Golden Triangle or provide other direction to staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve a request for tentative approval of the Golden Triangle Planned Development Handbook associated with PCN15058, adopting Findings PDa through PDg and the facts supporting those Findings as set forth in the staff report.
Attached Files: