Sparks City Council Meeting 5/23/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, May 23, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 8.4

Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund Account: 604090 Program: TMWRF Nitrification Valves & Vaults Improvement Project Ph. 1 (14-6600C) Amount: $55,010.43 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
City staff is asking that the City Council approve reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of $55,010.43 for its share of a $175,360.00 contract administered by the City of Reno with HDR Inc for the design of the Nitrification System Control Valve Phase II Replacement Project at TMWRF.
The control valves for the Nitrification Trickling Filters (NTF) must be operated at least twice per week as part of a snail mitigation treatment procedure critical to the operation and maintenance of the NTFs and TMWRF’s operation. The filters can only be taken offline for 4 to 6 hours at a time. Most of the valves do not have motor actuation, and can be difficult or time consuming for staff to operate. Several of the control valves are presently direct buried and operational difficulties are being encountered which includes leakage when closed. Some of the flow meters associated with the NTFs and nitrogen removal process do not currently operate or are not accurate. This project is being completed in two phases. The first phase addressed the most critical valves. The current proposed work (Phase II) will continue the work from Phase I and address the remaining valves and meters.
This consultant contract with HDR Inc. is for the design of Phase II of the nitrification tower control valves and related equipment. The City of Reno will administer the contract and will be reimbursed for a portion of the costs by the City of Sparks through the Sparks – Reno cost sharing agreement for TMWRF. The City of Reno and the City of Sparks share the cost for this project based upon their ownership of TMWRF, which is 68.63% for Reno and 31.37% for Sparks. Based on the ownership percentages, Reno’s share is up to $120,349.57 and Sparks share is up to $55,010.43.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks’ share of the engineering services by HDR Inc. in the amount of $55,010.43.
Attached Files: