Sparks City Council Meeting 5/9/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, May 9, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.7
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Washoe County School Board of Trustees formed the Oversight Panel for School Facilities in compliance with NRS Chapter 393. On April 5, 2016, the School Board of Trustees adopted Policy 9405 creating the Capital Funding Protection Committee. Policy 9405 sets forth that the same voting members sitting on the Oversight Panel for School Facilities shall be appointed to the Capital Funding Protection Committee. Currently Council Members Julia Ratti and Charlene Bybee are appointed by Sparks City Council to serve on the Oversight Panel for School Facilities. It is recommended that Ms. Ratti and Ms. Bybee be appointed to the Capital Funding Protection Committee.
The Washoe County School District Board of Trustees created and delegated oversight of capital expenditures for the acquisition, construction, repair, and revitalization of schools in the Washoe County School District to the Capital Funding Protection Committee in accordance with Board Policy 9405 and NRS 393.092 through NRS 393.096. The Protection Committee was tasked with among other things, ensuring that public money is expended in an open and deliberative process working cooperatively with the Board to ensure the program of school construction and renovation is responsive to the educational needs of pupils within the school district, and to make recommendations for the management of construction and renovation of school facilities within the school district in a manner that ensures effective and efficient expenditure of public money. (Policy 9405)
Pursuant to NRS 393.096 the Board of Trustees established the Oversight Panel for School Facilities. The Capital Funding Protection Committee was subsequently formed as outlined in Policy 9405. Policy 9405 is attached for review. The Policy requires that the appointees to the Capital Funding Protection Committee be the same as those serving on the Oversight Committee. The appointees to the Protection Committee have duties and responsibilities consistent with in NRS 393.096. Council Members Julia Ratti and Charlene Bybee were appointed by the Sparks City Council as the Sparks's representatives to the Oversight Committee and it is requested that they be appointed as City of Sparks's voting representatives to the Protection Committee.
In the alternative, different members of the Sparks City Council could be appointed to the Oversight Committee and the Protection Committee or no council members could be appointed.
Recommended Motion:
I move that Council Members Julia Ratti and Charlene Bybee be appointed to the Capital Funding Protection Committee.
Attached Files: