Sparks City Council Meeting 4/11/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, April 11, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.2
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Presentation, consideration, discussion, and possible action to adopt Resolution No. 3291 acknowledging the health benefits of voluntary emission reductions and committing to support the Air Quality Management Division's Ozone Advance Program through the implementation of the Action Plan.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) strengthened the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone to 70 parts per billion (ppb) from the previous standard of 75 ppb. The most recent three years of monitoring data (2013 – 2015) indicates the design value for Washoe County is 71 ppb which is considered non-attainment under the new standard. In order to achieve attainment with the ozone standard, the Washoe County Health District’s Air Quality Management Division (AQMD) has committed to participate in the EPA Ozone Advance Program.
The Ozone Advance Program is a collaborative effort between EPA and local air agencies to promote voluntary emission reductions of ozone precursors. In order to meet the challenges involved with implementing voluntary control measures, the program encourages the adoption of resolutions by elected and appointed governing bodies. Once adopted, the resolutions become a tool to demonstrate to the community stakeholders the commitment to reduce emissions and influence behavior changes through the implementation of the Action Plan. The attached resolution acknowledges the health benefits of voluntary emission reductions and provides direction to staff to implement the Ozone Advance Action Plan.
January 29, 2016. AQMD submitted a request to EPA Region IX to participate in the Ozone Advance Program in order to preserve and improve the air quality in Washoe County. (Attached)
February 3, 2016. EPA confirmed AQMD eligibility to participate in the Ozone Advance Program.
February 25, 2016. District Board of Health unanimously approved the adoption of a resolution supporting the Ozone Advance Program and directed staff to implement the Action Plan.
Provided in the presentation attachment.
1. The City Council may adopt Resolution No. 3291 acknowledging the health benefits of voluntary emission reductions and committing to support the Air Quality Management Division's Ozone Advance Program through the implementation of the Action Plan.
2. The City Council may not adopt Resolution No. 3291 acknowledging the health benefits of voluntary emission reductions and committing to support the Air Quality Management Division's Ozone Advance Program through the implementation of the Action Plan.
3. The City Council may or may not adopt Resolution No. 3291 acknowledging the health benefits of voluntary emission reductions and committing to support the Air Quality Management Division's Ozone Advance Program through the implementation of the Action Plan and direct staff to other alternatives.
Recommended Motion:
I move to adopt Resolution No. 3291 acknowledging the health benefits of voluntary emission reductions and committing to support the Air Quality Management Division's Ozone Advance Program through the implementation of the Action Plan.
Attached Files: