Sparks City Council Meeting 11/23/2015 2:00:00 PM
Monday, November 23, 2015 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Buiding, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.3
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a request by Red Hawk Land Company to annex a site approximately 5 acres in size into the City of Sparks. The site is located east of and adjacent to Golden Eagle Regional Park.
This request for annexation is 100 percent voluntary and the site is contiguous to the Sparks city limits. Staff made all of the findings and recommended approval to the Sparks Planning Commission. At their October 15, 2015 meeting, the Sparks Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the Sparks City Council.
This request is from Red Hawk Land Company/Foothills at Wingfield, LLC to annex two parcels totaling 5 acres into the City of Sparks. This area has been in the City of Sparks Sphere of Influence since 1991. This request for annexation into the City of Sparks is voluntary and 100 percent of the property owners have signed the petition for annexation.
The site is located at 6500 Spanish Springs Road, east of and adjacent to Golden Eagle Regional Park. This property was part of a Master Plan Amendment in February 2009 (PCN09006). At that time the land use designation was changed from 2 du/acre to GC (General Commercial) and was intended to be developed in conjunction with the adjoining 60 acre parcel. A Planned Development Handbook for the combined 65 acres was submitted in October of 2009 but was not processed.
The property has since changed ownership and this annexation has been requested by the current owner in order to facilitate the development of the combined 65 acres. A Master Plan amendment and a rezoning request for the combined 65 acres are expected to follow.
The existing use of the property is: an unoccupied single family home with an assortment of agricultural accessory buildings.
The 5 acre site, composed of two 2.5 acre parcels, is bounded on three sides by the City of Sparks. Due to the fact that the site is contiguous with the city limits of Sparks and the only property owners has signed the annexation petition, the City can annex the property under NRS 268.670 (see attached map that demonstrates contiguity).
The 2008-2015 Annexation Program identified areas in the Sphere of Influence of the City of Sparks to be considered for annexation. Unincorporated areas that were not identified in the program but are contiguous to the City are eligible for annexation if there is 100 percent owner consent. This property is both identified in the City of Sparks’ sphere of influence and is contiguous with the existing City limits. A map of the annexation program is included.
This property exists in a county peninsula (area of the County surrounded on three sides by the City) and was developed under Washoe County standards. As such, this area was developed with more rural standards than would be typical for a property developed within the City. Existing uses will be allowed to continue upon annexation. The current use of the property is an unoccupied single family home with a number of agricultural accessory buildings.
The City does not require improvements to be installed or constructed on sites developed prior to annexation. If and when additional development is proposed, the City will require improvements including but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk, streetlights, right of way, and sewer connection, as appropriate. This property is served by an existing domestic well and septic system. If this system were to need modification or fail in the future, connection to the City’s sewer system and municipal water system may be required by the Washoe County District Health Department and the City of Sparks. Additional development of the site may also result in Washoe County District Health Department or the City of Sparks requiring connection to the City’s sewer system and municipal water system.
This site is not included in the City of Sparks Seven Year Program of Annexation. It is, however, within the North Sparks Sphere of Influence (NSSOI). Goal NSSOI33 says that the City will “[e]ncourage and support annexation of all property within the Sphere of Influence by 2007”.
Finding A1: The request does conform to the requirements of NRS 268.
Per the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), municipalities within counties whose population level is at 100,000 or more, but less than 600,000 (which includes Washoe County), that have adopted a comprehensive regional plan pursuant to NRS 278.026-278.029, inclusive, also must adopt an annexation program per NRS 268.625. The city had its annexation program certified through the required processes as laid out in NRS 268.625.
The project site is contiguous to the City of Sparks city limits and complies with the goals and policies set forth in NRS and the Sparks Annexation Program. The annexation request is voluntary and is consistent with the certified annexation program.
FINDING A2: The request conforms to the findings established for annexation applications pursuant to the Sparks Municipal Code Chapter 20.05.05.
Sparks Municipal Code 20.05.05 requires annexations to be reviewed subject to the following:
A) Location of the property to be considered for annexation:
The site is located at 6500 Spanish Springs Road and is directly east of Golden Eagle Regional Park. It is contiguous to the City of Sparks city limits and within the City’s Sphere of Influence.
B) The logical extension of City limits:
This is a logical extension of the city limits as the site is within the City of Sparks’ Sphere of Influence and is contiguous to the current city boundary on three sides (north, south, and west). The Truckee Meadows Regional Plan (TMRP) identifies this area as being within the Truckee Meadows Service Area (TMSA). As this site is bounded on three sides by Sparks city limits this annexation should help reduce confusion in the provision of emergency services. Any intensification of use on this site would require its annexation.
C) The need for the expansion to accommodate planned regional growth:
Substantial regional growth is anticipated over the next five years. This site is within the TMSA and near other residential development in the City of Sparks. Adjacency to Golden Eagle Regional Park makes it desirable for this site to be within the City of Sparks with the associated controls and benefits to the city.
D) The location of existing and planned water service:
Additional water and sewer service lines will be required to be installed in order to develop the site but capacity has been allocated for this site as a future development.
E) Community goals that would be met by the proposed annexation:
GOAL NSSOI33: Encourage and support annexation of all property within the Sphere of Influence by 2007.
GOAL LU1: to create a growth pattern which assures flexible, feasible and efficient developments and which includes natural and cultural amenities.
Policies LU1d: Prohibit intensification, development beyond what is permitted by existing (translated) zoning, the subdivision/parceling of land or a change (increase in zoning, on property within the sphere of influence prior to annexation.
F) The efficient and cost effective provision of service areas and capital facilities:
The property is within the City of Sparks’ Sphere of Influence and Truckee Meadows Service Area (TMSA). Annexation of areas within the City of Sparks’ Sphere of Influence reduces potential confusion for emergency services. The efficient and cost effective provision of services and facilities for this site are most easily provided by annexation into the City of Sparks.
G) Fiscal analysis regarding the proposed annexation:
A Fiscal Analysis was submitted to estimate revenues to be generated by this site when annexed compared to the costs of providing services to the site. The estimated cumulative cost to the City of Sparks to provide Police, Fire/EMS, Public Works, and an administrative overhead service for the years 2015-2025 is $54,117. The estimated cumulative revenue for the same span is $116,430. This projection show a net revenue of $62,313 over the 10 year span from 2015-2025. The fiscal analysis was based on the use of this property as residential with one property per parcel.
H.) Whether Washoe County has adopted a Community Management Plan for the proposed annexation area:
This project site is located within the Sparks Sphere of Influence and is therefore not a part of a Community Management Plan.
I) Whether the annexation creates any islands:
The project site is bounded on the north, south, and east sides by the current city boundary and is within the City of Sparks’ Sphere of Influence. This project will not create any islands.
J) Any other factors concerning the proposed annexation deemed appropriate for consideration by the City Council.
The intent of the Annexation Petition is to have this site under the jurisdiction of the City of Sparks. This parcel was added to the City of Sparks Sphere of Influence in 1991 so it has been anticipated that this property would be annexed into Sparks.
FINDING A3: The property requested to be annexed conforms to the Master Plan as it is within the City’s Sphere of Influence.
The Master Plan designation is GC (General Commercial) which was established for a project that did not progress beyond the amendment of the Master Plan. The site is currently zoned A5 in Washoe County, which would translate to A5 in City zoning. Any future development not in conformance with the A5 zoning will require a rezone and conformance with the Master Plan either, through a Master Plan Amendment, or rezoning to a district that conforms with the existing Master Plan Land Use designation of GC (General Commercial).
FINDING A4: Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code.
Public notice was given per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code and the Nevada Revised Statutes. The notice distance used in order to meet the minimum required number of noticed properties (30) was 1,800 feet. The Planning Commission and the City Council meetings function as the public hearings for this item.
Recommended Motion:
I move to adopt Bill No. 2698 and approve the Annexation request associated with PCN15036 to annex approximately 5 acres into the City of Sparks, Nevada, based on the findings A1 through A4, and the facts supporting these findings as set forth in the staff report.
Attached Files: