Sparks City Council Meeting 11/9/2015 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, November 9, 2015 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Buiding, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV

Consent Items: 8.4

Title: Consideration and possible approval of an amendment to Independent Contractors Agreement A-3709 to provide Phase 3 Engineering and Construction Support Services for the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 Project with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $252,503.
Petitioner/Presenter: John Martini, P.E., Assistant Community Services Director/Andrew Hummel, P.E., Utility Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve an amendment to Independent Contractors Agreement A-3709 to provide Phase 3 Engineering and Construction Support Services for the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 Project with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $252,503.
Financial Impact: This project will utilize budget in Storm Drains Capital Project Fund 1641 of $252,503 from program #16-6800 North Truckee Drain Relocation Phase 3. $25,000,000 was approved for this project in the FY16 CIP, of which $24,980,300 of budget authority remains.
Total Costs: $252,503.00
Fund: Storm Drains Cap Proj Fund    Account: 604110
Program: North Truckee Drain Phase 3 (16-6800)
Amount: $252,503.00    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

Consideration and possible award of a contract amendment to provide Phase 3 Construction Support Services for the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 Project with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $252,503.  The engineering services provided by this Contract are above the original scope of services with HDR, and are needed to complete the project as desired.  Staff recommends approval.


HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) was awarded a Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $4,788,451 to provide engineering services, design, and permitting with the City of Sparks at the January 12, 2009 City Council meeting.  Within the original scope of services, HDR was tasked with providing a single bid package of the full project design.  Additionally, support during construction was not included, as the full level of effort necessary was not known at that time.

During the course of design and permitting, numerous changes have occurred to impact the original scope of work.  Certain portions of the original design were removed (the largest being crossing Interstate 80 with new culverts) while other tasks were added.  The project has been broken up into at least three (3) major phased bid packages and two (2) smaller supporting projects, a substantial change.

To address efforts necessary during Phase 1 and Phase 2, a Contract Amendment in the amount of $171,415 was approved at the April 14, 2014 City Council meeting.  A second amendment in the amount of $15,962.39 was approved on June 26, 2015 to provide permit coordination with the Union Pacific Railroad and Phase 3 bid package.

In anticipation of bidding Phase 3 in the spring of 2016, a scope of service was negotiated with HDR for remaining engineering and construction support services.  These include ongoing project management, bidding assistance, easement document updates as needed for remaining properties, shop drawing review, construction observation and support, assistance with financial loan documents as needed, and as-built drawing preparation.  The negotiated price for these services is $252,503.


The services requested of HDR are necessary to complete the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 Project, and are above the original scope of services.

  1. City Council could accept the Engineering Services contract as outlined by Staff.
  2. City Council could reject the Engineering Services contract and provide direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve an amendment to Independent Contractors Agreement A-3709 to provide Phase 3 Engineering and Construction Support Services for the North Truckee Drain Realignment Phase 3 Project with HDR Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $252,503.

Attached Files:
     NTD HDR-SOW Phase 3 10 15 15.pdf
     NTD Phase 3 2015 Project Fee Estimate10 15 15.pdf
     A3709 HDR Contract.pdf
     Contract Ammendment - HDR.pdf
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