Sparks City Council Meeting 10/10/2011 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 10, 2011 2:00 PMLegislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
General Business: 6.3
Title: Consideration and possible award of contract for Large Pipe Asset Management Baseline Assessment with Redzone Robotics, in the amount of $411,370.
Petitioner/Presenter: John Martini, P.E., Assistant Community Services Director/Andrew Hummel, P.E., Acting Utility Manager
Recommendation: It is recommended that Council award the contract for Large Pipe Asset Management Baseline Assessment with Redzone Robotics, in the amount of $411,370.
Financial Impact: $411,369.50 for the Sewer Pipeline Condition Assessment is available in FY 11/12 in CIP #12-6614, and will be encumbered in Account 604110 Program 12-6614.
Total Costs: $411,370.00

Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund Account: 604110 Program: Sewer - Interceptor Condition Assessment Project (12-6614) Amount: $411,370.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: : Consideration and possible acceptance of a proposal for Large Pipe Asset Management Baseline Assessment with Redzone Robotics, in the amount of $411,370. This work will provide pipeline assessment of interceptor pipelines (18” in size and above) through the core area of Sparks, providing data necessary to plan for future pipeline rehabilitation and replacement projects. Staff recommends approval.
Background: At the June 27, 2011 City Council Meeting, an on-call list of five (5) service providers for Large Diameter Pipeline Assessment was approved. Additionally, $500,000 was budgeted and approved in the current (FY 11/12) CIP budget, under CIP 126614. Community Services staff has determined which pipes have the highest priority for this initial assessment, evaluating age, material, and location. This evaluation resulted in an initial project size of 43,700± feet. The majority of this initial project piping is concrete pipe, and is located within the urban core of Sparks. Once the interceptor pipes for the initial assessment area were chosen, staff reviewed the pipe materials, anticipated flow conditions, and desired outcome to determine acceptable methods of assessment. Standard video assessment is only capable of evaluating pipe above the water level; this initial project area is generally flowing at 50% capacity or above, therefore a substantial amount of pipe could be missed by using video alone. Video is also incapable of determining actual pipe wear, therefore Laser measurement technology can be used to determine actual pipe shape and size. In order to obtain data on pipe conditions below the waterline, sonar is currently the best available method to determine the amount of sediment buildup and/or pipe wear. Therefore, staff reviewed the proposals submitted by the five chosen providers, and determined Redzone Robotics would be best qualified to provide the assessment needed. Redzone was contacted, and negotiations began on a scope of work for this project. Redzone is proposing to use conventional CCTV (video) and Sonar for all pipes between 18” and 30” in diameter. CCTV will capture pipe condition above the water line, while Sonar will capture below the water line. Additionally, a test of new Laser technology for smaller diameter pipelines (i.e. below 30”) is to be used for this project at no extra charge. A total of 27,261 feet of piping will be done this way. For the larger (36” to 60”) interceptor piping, Redzone is proposing to use a robotic platform equipped with a multi-sensor capable of capturing CCTV, Sonar, Laser, and gas levels. The addition of Laser and gas level sensors will provide additional data on pipe condition as well as anticipated life due to the presence (or lack) of corrosive gases within the pipeline. A total of 16,439 feet of piping will be done this way. Additionally, Redzone will provide an inspection assessment and viewing tool using their ICOM3 software. This software package is capable of incorporating existing CCTV data from the City’s current small diameter assessment program, and will work with our existing GIS database.
Analysis: Redzone Robotics has a successful history of providing the services proposed. By performing this pipeline assessment, staff will be equipped to determine rehabilitation needs (and anticipated costs) both near and long term.
Alternatives: 1. City Council could award the Contract as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the Contract and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: “I move to accept award the Contract for Large Pipe Asset Management Baseline Assessment with Redzone Robotics, in the amount of $411,370.”
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