Sparks City Council Meeting 10/12/2015 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 12, 2015 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada
General Business: 9.3
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from SF6 (Single Family Residential) to MUD (Mixed Use District).
The property that is the subject of this rezoning request is located at 1250 Sullivan Lane.
Currently there are four single family homes and two apartment buildings located on this property. Two of the single family homes were built in the 1940s. The other two single family homes were constructed in 1950 and1962. All four single family homes are single story and constructed of wood. The largest is 1,393 square feet and the smallest measures 431 square feet. Along the northern property line are two multi-family buildings. The first one, constructed in 1960, is a single story building with six units. The other multi-family building was constructed in1969 and is two stories with 12 units. There is a total of 22 units on the property.
The applicant would like to redevelop portions of the property and is requesting to add the property to the MU (Mixed Use) District in order to redevelop with the higher densities. The redevelopment of the site will have to conform to the TOD standards.
On May 7, 2015, Planning Commission reviewed the associated master plan amendment and this zone change request. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the zone change. The Planning Commission reviewed the zone change request under the old zoning code so at the time they reviewed the request the zone change was from R1-6 (Single Family Residential) to TOD (Transit Oriented Development). This request was post postponed going to Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission for the master plan amendment until the adoption of the new zoning code which has changed the name of the zoning districts as recommended by Planning Commission however the districts are the equivalent zoning districts.
Sullivan Lane Apartments is a 1.4 acre property that has had units added over the years. The parcel is currently zoned SF6 (Single Family Residential). The applicant is requesting a zone change to MUD (Mixed Use District).
The project, as submitted and conditioned, is consistent with the City of Sparks Master Plan.
If the master plan is amended, the rezoning to MUD will require redevelopment of the site to comply with the TOD Residential Manual Standards.
The Land Use Plan Goals and Policies including Transit Oriented Development Goals that are relevant to this proposal include:
GOAL LU1: To create a growth pattern which assures flexible, feasible and efficient developments and which includes natural and cultural amenities.
LU1a. The City will support a preferred growth pattern which applies consistent and uniform standards to areas planned for similar uses.
Allow only developments which meet the proper land use designation of the City’s Master Plan and the Regional Master Plan.
TOD Goal 2.2: Support and Integrate Existing Neighborhoods and Commercial areas.
The intent of the above goals are to encourage redevelopment, especially in the City’s older neighborhoods. This master plan amendment and rezone request support these goals by allowing the applicant to redevelop the subject property. The redevelopment of this site in conformance with MUD standards will meet the long range vision of the TOD Corridor Plan. The current land use is not in conformance with the zoning of SF6 (Single Family Residential) because it has been developed with multi-family residential uses. The approval of the master plan amendment and associated zone change will bring property more into conformance with the existing uses on the property.
The project is consistent with the surrounding existing land uses.
The surrounding land uses and Zoning is summarized in the table below:
Direction |
Land Use / Zoning |
North |
South |
MDR (Medium Density Residential)/ SF6 |
East |
MDR (Medium Density Residential)/ SF6 |
West |
TOD-MR (Transit Oriented Development – Mixed Residential) and TOD-MUC (Transit Oriented Development – Mixed Use Commercial) / MUD (Mixed Use District) |
The Sullivan Lane Apartments site is located in an area of mixed residential types. There are multi-family developments to the north and west. To the east and south are single family homes. To the west is a shopping center. The redevelopment of this site to multi-family housing is consistent with the other multi-family developments in the area and provides a transition between the commercial to the west and farther north along the Oddie Boulevard corridor. Redevelopment of this property provides an opportunity for new investment in this neighborhood.
Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code.
Public notice was given and the Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as the public hearings for this item.
First Reading.
Recommended Motion:
First Reading and schedule public hearing on October 26th.
Attached Files: