Sparks City Council Meeting 10/12/2015 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, October 12, 2015 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada

General Business: 9.2

Title: Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a complement change to add two Police Officers to accommodate acceptance of the 2015 COPS Office Hiring Program (CHRP) grant towards payroll costs for two full-time police officers.
Petitioner/Presenter: Brian Allen, Police Chief/Chris Syverson, Administrative Services Director
Recommendation: The City Council approve the complement change adding two positions of Police Officer.
Financial Impact: $350,000
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

The Police Department is seeking approval to accept a CHRP grant in the amount of $250,000.00 over a three year period to be used to hire two additional Police Officers.  This agenda item requests approval to add two Police Officers to the complement if the CHRP grant is accepted.


The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services has announced that the Sparks Police Department has been awarded the 2015 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Grant.  The Police Department sought the direction of City Council to apply for this grant on June 8, 2015 seeking two full-time positions. The two (2) full-time police officers will be designated as Community Relations Officers.  Funding from the COPS Office is limited to $125,000.00 per officer for the three year period of the grant. A fourth year is expected to be fully funded by the partnering agency.



The grant being offered covers up to $250,000 for two Police Officers over a three year period.  The actual costs of two Police Officers for this same period is approximately $600,000, less the grant amount of $250,000 for a net cost to the City of $350,000.  In addition, the City is expected to fully fund the fourth year for the two Police Officers.

Job Title

Police Officer

Salary Range is $49,712 - $64,750


Complement Change

Current                                  Change

87 Police Officers                  89 Police Officers

  1. The City Council may approve the complement change in conjunction with the acceptance of the grant funding.
  1. The City Council may not approve the complement change.
  1. The City Council may not approve the complement change as presented by staff, and may provide other direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve to increase the complement at the Police Department to include two additional Police Officers for a total of eighty-nine.

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