Sparks City Council Meeting 10/12/2015 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 12, 2015 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, Nevada
Consent Items: 8.2
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Landcap Sparks, LLC has submitted a reversion to acreage map for the Marina Villa Condominium Tract Map 4811 as recorded with the Washoe County Recorder on July 31, 2007. This reversion to acreage map is needed to accommodate design changes to the Marina Villa Condominium project. Upon approval and recordation of this reversion to acreage map, the developer will submit a new final map, in accordance with the current design, to the City of Sparks for review and approval. The reversion to acreage map has been reviewed by the Community Services Department and has been found to be acceptable. Staff recommends approval.
Landcap Sparks, LLC has submitted a reversion to acreage map for Marina Villa Condominium Tract Map 4811 as recorded with the Washoe County Recorder on July 31, 2007 . This reversion to acreage map is needed to accommodate design changes to the Marina Villa Condominium project. Upon approval and recordation of this reversion to acreage map, all condominium lots created by Tract Map 4811 will be removed and the tract map will be reverted to a single parcel. Once completed, the developer will submit a new final map, in accordance with the current design, to the City of Sparks for review and approval.
The reversion to acreage map been checked and found to be technically correct, conforming to local ordinances and state law. The appropriate map checking fees have been paid. A performance bond is not required to be filed with the City Clerk as no public improvements are associated with this map.
The City Council may or may not approve the reversion to acreage map as submitted by the owner.
Recommended Motion:
"I move to approve the reversion to acreage map for Marina Villa Condominiums"
Attached Files: