Sparks City Council Meeting 9/14/2015 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, September 14, 2015 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 Fourth St., Sparks, NV

General Business: 9.3

Title: Consideration and possible approval of a contract to Reyman Brothers Construction for the Rock Park Restroom Building Project, Bid No. 15/16-005, PWP# WA-2015-255, in the total amount of $469,900.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Community Services Director/Brian D. Cason, S.E., P.E., Senior Civil Engineer
Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve a contract to Reyman Brothers Construction for the Rock Park Restroom Building Project, in the total amount of $469,900.00.
Financial Impact: This project will utilize budget in the Grant Fund 1204 of $469,900 from program #122040, Rock Park Restroom, of which $480,812 is currently available.
Total Costs: $469,900.00
Fund: Sparks Grants & Donations Fund    Account: 604050
Program: Rock Park Restroom (122040)
Amount: $469,900.00    Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan)
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

Consideration and possible approval of a contract to Reyman Brothers Construction for the Rock Park Restroom Building Project, in the total amount of $469,900.00.  This project consists of two restrooms and a storage area housed within the building, along with three drinking fountains.  Currently, the City of Sparks provides temporary restroom facilities for Rock Park. Installation of a permanent facility will not only improve park aesthetics and visitor experience, but will also reduce operations and maintenance costs associated with the existing temporary restrooms through the provision of a permanent facility.  This project also includes installation of supporting facilities including a sanitary sewer lift station and force main and connections to water and sewer utilities.

Staff recommends approval.


The previous restroom building at Rock Park was removed with the Rock Park Phase 1 Project by the City of Sparks for the construction of Whitewater Park in FY2009.  Currently, the City of Sparks provides temporary restroom facilities for Rock Park.  Installation of a permanent facility will not only improve park aesthetics and visitor experience, but will also reduce operations and maintenance costs associated with the existing temporary restrooms.


This project will construct a men’s and women’s masonry restroom facility that will also include a storage room and three drinking fountains. This project also includes installation of supporting amenities including a lift station and force main; and connections to water and sewer utilities.  A map showing the location of the new restroom facility is attached to this staff report.

The project was advertised in the Reno Gazette Journal on August 2, 2015 and digital copies were distributed to local plan rooms.   Three (3) bids were opened at City Hall on August 26, 2015.  Base Bid results ranged in cost from $469,900.00 to $540,651.00 and the bids have been evaluated and award recommendation made using the total base bid.  The contract amount includes a force account of $20,000 to correct unforeseen conditions, if required.  Reyman Brothers Construction is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for this project with a base bid amount of $469,900.00. A bid recap is given below for Council's review.


Base Bid

Reyman Brothers Construction


Bison Construction


Geney/Gassiot, Inc


  1. City Council could approve a contract to Reyman Brothers Construction for the Rock Park Restroom Building  Project, as outlined by staff.                                                                        

  2. City Council could reject a contract to Reyman Brothers Construction for the Rock Park Restroom Building Project, and provide direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve a contract to Reyman Brothers Construction for the Rock Park Restroom Building Project in the total amount of $469,900.00.

Attached Files:
     Bid Re-cap-Rock Park Restroom- Bid 15-16-005.pdf
     Exhibit A-Rock Park Restroom location map.pdf
     Reyman Brothers Contract-Rock Park Restroom.pdf
     Public comment handout Karen Jacobs.pdf
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