Sparks City Council Meeting 7/27/2015 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, July 27, 2015 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St., Sparks

Consent Items: 8.5

Title: Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of $84,560.03 for the City of Sparks’ share of a consulting agreement (AC-5177) between the City of Reno and Brown and Caldwell, Inc., to provide construction management services for the Nitrification System Control Valve Replacements and Vault Construction - Phase 1 project at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility.
Petitioner/Presenter: Neil C. Krutz, P.E. – Deputy City Manager/Michael Drinkwater, P.E. – TMWRF Plant Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve Sparks’ share of the contract between the City of Reno and Brown and Caldwell for construction management services for the Nitrification System Control Valve Replacements and Vault Construction - Phase 1.
Financial Impact: There is no impact to the General Fund. This is a continuing FY 2013-2014 project, having been contained in the TMWRF FY 2013-2014 Capital Improvement Plan that was approved by the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) on March 6, 2013. $502,934.00 of appropriations for continuing projects remains in Fund 1631, Sanitary Sewer Capital Project Fund, in the adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.
Total Costs: $84,560.03
Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund    Account: 604090
Program: TMWRF Nitrification Valves & Vaults Improvement Project Ph. 1 (14-6600C)
Amount: $84,560.03    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

TMWRF staff is asking the City Council to approve reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of up to $84,560.03 for Sparks’ share of the consulting agreement with Brown and Caldwell for construction management services for the Nitrification System Control Valve Replacements and Vault Construction - Phase 1 project.


The Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) is jointly owned by the Cities of Reno and Sparks. The City of Reno oversees the Capital Improvement Program for TMWRF, while the City of Sparks manages operations.   The JCC approved 5-year Capital Improvement Plan includes funding the replacement of failing valves in the Nitrification Trickling Filters.  Upon completion of the design, phase 1 of the project was put out for open, competitive bidding.  As a result of that bid the contract for construction of the improvements with KG Walters Construction was approved by council on June 8th, 2015.  The current proposed agreement would provide for construction inspection and materials testing during the construction of phase 1 of the project.


This consultant agreement will provide services during project construction that includes construction management, engineering services during construction, inspection and testing.  The City of Reno will administer the contract and will be reimbursed for a portion of the costs by the City of Sparks through the Sparks – Reno cost sharing agreement for TMWRF.  The City of Reno and the City of Sparks share the cost for this project based upon their ownership of TMWRF, which is 68.63% for Reno and 31.37% for Sparks. Based on the ownership percentages, Sparks’ share is up to $84,560.03.


Council could direct the manager to have staff provide other alternatives.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the reimbursement agreement with the City of Reno for the Sparks’ share of a contract for construction management service with Brown and Caldwell in an amount not to exceed $84,560.03.

Attached Files:
     Attachment 1.pdf
     Chem 3 and Cogen Reno Staff report prelim 6 29 15.pdf
     TMWRF NTF Valve Replacements - Brown & Caldwell Contract (FINAL).pdf
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