Sparks City Council Meeting 7/13/2015 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 13, 2015 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St., Sparks
Consent Items: 8.3

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 603445 Program: 1404 Pass & ID Safety Improvements (14-1033) Amount: $64,244.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Consideration and possible approval of an informal quote for the Sparks Police Department ID Counter Remodel Project, to J & S Custom Homes, Inc., in the amount of $64,244.00. This project will include select demolition of office space; new wall framing and cabinet work; level 3 bullet resistance at the counter; and modification of electrical systems and lighting to improve safety in the ID Section of the Police Station. City staff recommends approval.
The Sparks Police Station was constructed in 1993 with several remodels completed in the building since then. Over the last few years there has been an increase in police stations being targeted with gunfire. The Sparks Police Station had an assailant shoot several shots at the stairs and front lobby of the building about four years ago. This has increased the need for additional protection for police department staff. Level 3 bullet resistance was added to the lobby counter about three years ago and the police chief has requested this protection be added to the finger printing/ID area.
This project will provide new cabinetry, level 3 bullet resistance to the new counter, modification to the electrical and lighting system, and separation between the public and record keeping area of the ID Section. This will improve the safety of police personnel and provide a more efficient area to house a new finger printing system. The increase in cost since it was originally approved is due to the inclusion of a recently purchased finger printing system, modification of the electronic system, revisions to the original anticipated layout, and inflation in labor and material costs. The overage will be paid from the Lobby Bullet Proof Glass Retrofit Project (#14-1030) which, because of new technology, will be under the anticipated available budget.
This project was distributed to six (6) general contractors with a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting on May 26, 2015. Two addendums were issued.
Six informal quotes were received by June 11, 2015. The quotes range in cost from $64,244 to $97,216. The contract amount includes a force account of $4,000 if required to correct unforeseen conditions. There are no alternate bid items in this project. No arithmetic or clerical errors were found in the quotes received.
Bidder Base bid with Force account
J&S Custom Homes $64,244.00
Reyman Brothers Construction 69,945.00
Gill Construction, Inc. 73,888.00
Sullivan Structures 78,671.00
Walker River Construction, Inc. 97,216.00
Engineer’s Estimate $52,710.00
- City Council could approve Sparks Police Department ID Counter Remodel Project as outlined by Staff
- City Council could reject the Sparks Police Department ID Counter Remodel Project and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Sparks Police Department ID Counter Remodel Project to J & S Custom Homes, Inc., in the amount of $64,244.00
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