Sparks City Council Meeting 7/13/2015 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, July 13, 2015 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St., Sparks

General Business: 9.3

Title: Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a complement change to add one Police Sergeant and remove one Police Officer position.
Petitioner/Presenter: Brian Allen, Police Chief/Chris Syverson, Administrative Services Director
Recommendation: The City Council approve the complement change adding one position of Police Sergeant and removing one position of Police Officer.
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

At the Sparks Police Department, there is a special assignment of Grant Administrator assigned to one Police Officer.  The Police Department has a need operationally and for future planning to take the duties in the special assignment of Grant Administrator and combine them with other administrative duties for a role described in greater detail in the background and analysis.  The new assignment would best be accomplished at the Police Sergeant level.  This requires the addition of one Police Sergeant and removal of one Police Officer position from the complement.


Prior to 2003, the Police Department’s organizational chart included two administrative sergeant positions utilized to further prepare sergeants for future leadership roles.  These positions were the Project Development Sergeant and the Communications Section Sergeant.  In 2003, a department re-organization eliminated the Project Development Sergeant position combining the job tasks of the position with the Community Affairs Sergeant, creating a position of Support Services Section Sergeant.  In subsequent re-organizations due to staffing reductions, the Communications Section Sergeant position was eliminated and job duties transferred to the Administration Division Manager.  In addition, due to staffing reductions, the Traffic Accident Investigator position was eliminated.  In 2013, the next round of re-organization took place with the elimination of the Commander positions and the overall reduction of one Lieutenant position.  Overall, since 2003, two sergeant and one lieutenant positions have been eliminated primarily due to budgetary purposes.  These positions were mainly utilized to train and give experience to future leaders in the organization for succession planning purposes.


The Project Development Sergeant was assigned directly to a Deputy Chief and served in an administrative capacity.  Job duties include, but not limited to, budget development, policy development, purchasing and bid development, grant management and application, and of course “other duties as assigned.”


Prior to the re-organizations, the Traffic Accident Investigator also managed all traffic related grants and programs.  This included Joining Forces and other State of Nevada, Office of Traffic Safety related grants.  Based on the re-organizations, the Traffic Accident Investigator’s duties were changed to manage all department grants.  The new position of Grant Administrator was developed.  Due to the skill requirements, the Traffic Accident Investigator was moved into this role.  The Grant Administrator now manages all department grants to include VOCA/VOWA, COPS CHP, Joining Forces, DOJ JAG, and others.


Over time, the Police Department lost two administrative sergeant positions that had previously been utilized to develop future leaders within the Department.  With the announced retirement of the Grant Administrator, this provides an opportunity for the Police Department to regain one of those positions without affecting Patrol Section staffing levels and have a person of rank representing the Police Department in the grant process.


The duties and responsibilities of the new Administrative Sergeant will include all of the duties of the Grant Administrator.  In addition, the new position will be assigned other administrative tasks such as policy development and assist the Investigations Division Deputy Chief in budget management.  The position will also be available to assist the Internal Affairs Lieutenant on minor investigations as needed.  These roles are key in the future management of the Police Department.  The Department currently has several “operationally” based sergeant assignments to develop overall leadership and investigative skills; however, the Department has only one sergeant position in a quasi-administrative role.  Having knowledgeable and qualified candidates that know and understand both the operational and administrative functions of the Police Department are key to the long term success of the Department.

A complement change is needed to increase the number of authorized sergeants by one and eliminating one officer position.

Complement Change:

Job Title

Police Officer

Salary Range:  $47,777 - $62,233


Police Sergeant

Salary Range:  $59,904 - $76,315

Financia Impact:  Assumptions: 1.  The Police Officer currently assigned to the Grants Administrator special pay retires and the new Sergeant is hired for 9 months of the 12 month fiscal year; 2. The new Sergeant hired will be promoted from the Police Officer complement, and will start with an Associates Degree and longevity at the mid-range; 3. The new Sergeant would be hired at 10% above the base pay for Sergeant.  4.  The new Sergeant would take family medical coverage. 5.  Current contract provisions and health insurance rates for FY 16 are used.

Under these assumptions, the fiscal impact is anticipated as follows:

FY 16 - $395.26

FY 17 - $10,171.50

FY 18 - $16,251.67

FY 19 - $16,560.14

FY 20 - $16,813.77

The change to the complement will look as follows:

Police Officer

Current        New

86                 85

Police Sergeant

Current        New

13                 14


  1. The City Council may approve the complement change.
  1. The City Council may not approve the complement change.
  1. The City Council may not approve the complement change as presented by staff, and may provide other direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve to change the complement at the Police Department to add one Police Sergeant and to remove one Police Officer.

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