Sparks City Council Meeting 4/13/2015 2:00:00 PM
Monday, April 13, 2015 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.3

Fund: Comm Dev Blk Grant Entitlement Account: 604120 Program: CDBG Pedestrian & Street Improvements in CDBG Ent Fund (15-2290) Amount: $422,444.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Consideration and possible award of the Marian Way and 6th Street Improvement Project, CDBG Federally Funded, Bid No. 14/15-012, PWP-WA-2015-111 to Spanish Springs Construction Inc., in the amount of $422,444. This project will replace the existing curb, gutter, sidewalks and driveways, as well as various trees on 6th Street from Prater Way to Victorian Avenue and new curb, gutter, sidewalk and roadway reconstruction on Marian Way.
The Marian Way and 6th Street Improvement Project is based upon the City’s approved US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan as submitted in May of 2014 and the 5 year consolidated plan for 2010-2015. The consolidated plan identified the area between Victorian to Prater Way and Pyramid Way to 4th Street for pedestrian improvements. A feasibility study on 6th street was undertaken listing several options due to the large public right of way. The roadway will remain as is with improvements to the existing infrastructure.
The existing concrete and roadway infrastructure in this area was constructed in the early 1940’s. Asphalt paving on Marian way has deteriorated. Structural failures, cracks, and surface deterioration warrant the need for reconstructed. Concrete walkways and curbs have deteriorated over time and are in need of replacement. The existing sidewalks have exposed aggregates, missing and cracked panels, and trip hazards resulting in a sidewalk that does not function as designed. The curb and gutter within this area has deteriorated as well and does not drain as designed in many areas. Street trees causing much of the damage are scheduled for removal with this project.
The scope of work for this project involves the removal and replacement of existing curb, gutter, and sidewalk on 6th street and Marian Way. The roadway on Marian will be pulverized and repaved. Fencing and drainage improvements will be included on Marian way. This project will replace the majority of the sidewalk and curb on 6th Street and all curb, gutter, and sidewalk on Marian. 6th street improvements will also include the installation of irrigation sleeves within the parkway and installation of some deciduous trees. Funding for this project is provided by Community Development Block Grant Funds.
The project advertised in the Reno Gazette Journal on February 25, 2015 and copies were distributed to local plan rooms. Two addendums were issued, one for special conditions and one to update the Davis Bacon wage decision. Four bids were opened at city hall on March 11, 2015. Bid results ranged in cost from $422,444 to $ 522,000. Below is a recap of the Bids:
Spanish Springs |
Granite Construction |
A&K Earthmovers |
$ 422,444 |
$ 458,458 |
$ 480,007 |
$ 522,000 |
- City Council could award the Marian Way and 6th Street Improvement Project, Federally CDBG Funded, Bid No. 14/15-012, PWP-WA-2015-111 to Spanish Springs Construction Inc., in the amount of $422,444 as outlined by Staff.
- City Council could reject all Marian Way and 6th Street Improvement Project, Federally CDBG Funded, Bid No. 14/15-012, PWP-WA-2015-111 to Spanish Springs Construction Inc., in the amount of $422,444 and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to award the Marian Way and 6th Street Improvement Project, Federally Funded CDBG, Bid No. 14/15-012, PWP-WA-2015-111 to Spanish Springs Construction Inc., in the amount of $422,444.
Attached Files: