Sparks City Council Meeting - Amended 10/27/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 27, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St., Sparks
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a master plan amendment to change the land use designation Neighborhood Park (NP), Public Institution (PI), 5 DU/Acre, and Open Space (OS) to Mixed Use Residential (MUR), Low Medium Residential (LMR), Medium Residential (MR) and Neighborhood Park (NP) on 5 properties totaling approximately 43.2 acres located east of Sparks Boulevard and north of the Kiley Detention Dam.
On March 18, 2004, the Planning Commission approved a Master Plan Amendment to amend the land use designation from Open Space(OS), 3 dwelling units per acres (3 du/ac), 4 dwelling units per acres (4 du/ac), 10 dwelling units per acres (10 du/ac); General Commercial (GC), Business Park (BP), and School/Park to Low-Medium Residential (LMR 5.0 - 7.9 DU/AC), Medium Residential (MR 6.0 - 11.9 DU/AC), Medium-High Residential (MHR 12.0 - 17.9 DU/AC), High Residential (HR 15.0 - 23.9 DU/AC), Community Commercial (CC), Neighborhood Commercial (NC), Arterial Commercial (AC), Village Center (VC), Office/Business Park (OBP), Business Park (BP), School/Park, Public/Institutional (PI), Neighborhood Park (NP) and Open Space (OS).
On October 18, 2004, the City Council tentatively approved the Development Standards Handbook for Kiley Ranch North. On January 12, 2005, the Regional Planning Commission found the project in conformance with the Regional Plan and approved a project of regional significance. The tentative handbook for Kiley Ranch North Planned Development covers the entire 834.5 acres planned development. To date, there have been six phases with final handbooks of the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development recorded.
The neighborhood meeting for the master plan amendment was held August 19, 2014. There were about 15 people who attended the meeting. There were lots of questions but no substantive issues were identified.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on these master plan amendments on September 4, 2014 and approved the request. On September 24, 2014, the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission held a public hearing and determined that the master plan amendment conforms to the Regional Plan.
This Master Plan Amendment consists of three areas within the vicinity of the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development. The Parks Master Plan adopted by the City in November 2013 recommends a move away from neighborhood parks, because of the expense of maintaining lots of little parks to the development of community parks. City staff has asked that the developers of Kiley Ranch North eliminate the two proposed neighborhood parks combining them into a community park. This is the first component of this request. The applicant includes two other areas to process the mixture of master plan amendments under one application.
Another component of this application is to amend the Master Plan to include 33.2 acres currently located within the Kiley Ranch Northeast Golf Community Planned Development. This includes 8.14 acres located adjacent to the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development Phase 2. The last area is to change the land use designation for 1.7 acres located in a future phase of Kiley Ranch North Planned Development. The total area is 43.2 acres. The breakdown is as follows:
Location |
Acreage |
Existing Master Plan Designation |
Proposed Master Plan Designation |
1 - Future phase (Located in Kiley Ranch North) |
1.7 acres |
Neighborhood Park |
Low Medium Residential |
2 – North of Phase 2 (Located in Kiley Ranch North) |
5.7 acres |
Neighborhood Park |
Mixed Use Residential |
3 – North of Phase 2 (Located in Kiley Ranch North) |
2.6 acres |
Public Institution |
Mixed Use Residential |
4 – South of Phase 6 (Located in Kiley NE Golf Community) |
3.2 acres |
5 DU/Acre |
Medium Residential |
5 – South of Phase 6 (Located in Kiley NE Golf Community) |
2.0 acres |
5 DU/Acre |
Low Medium Residential |
6 – East of Phase 2 (Located in Kiley NE Golf Community) |
18.6 acres |
Open Space |
Low Medium Residential |
7 – Southeast of Phase 2 (Located in Kiley NE Golf Community) |
9.4 acres |
Open Space |
Neighborhood Park |
Total |
43.2 acres |
Refer to the attached ‘Kiley Ranch North Land Use Map’ for the location of each of these amendments.
Finding M1. The proposed Master Plan amendment would be in conformance with the Regional Plan land use/intensity designation.
The Truckee Meadows Regional Plan Goals and Policies relevant to this project are:
Goal 1.1 Between 2007 and 2030, at 99% of the region’s population growth and 99% of the region’s jobs growth will be located in the Truckee Meadows Service Areas (TMSA).
The properties are located within the City of Sparks TMSA. The MU designation could provide opportunities for jobs and / or housing. The new neighborhood will provide for a community park located adjacent to the wetlands. The other designations will provide a mix of housing types.
Goal 3.5 The Regional Plan will coordinate the master plans, facilities plans, and other similar plans of local governments and affected entities to ensure that necessary public facilities and services to support new development are or will be available and adequate at the time the impacts of new development occur (i.e. concurrency).
The property is located within the vicinity of Sparks Boulevard, a major arterial for the Spanish Springs Valley. Utilities including gas, water, electric and sanitary sewer are available to serve the property.
Finding M2. The Master Plan amendment would implement the goals listed within the Sparks Master Plan as listed in the staff report.
The Land Use Plan Goals and Policies in the 1991 NSSOI Master Plan update that are also relevant to this proposal include:
GOAL LU1: To create a growth pattern which assures flexible, feasible and efficient developments and which includes natural and cultural amenities.
LU1a. The City will support a preferred growth pattern which applies consistent and uniform standards to areas planned for similar uses.
Allow only developments which meet the proper land use designation of the City’s Master Plan and the Regional Master Plan.
Before any development on the proposed properties can occur, Kiley Ranch North Planned Development Handbooks for Phases 2 and 6 will have to be amended and approved by the City of Sparks.
Goal NSSOI22: Support master planned development and master development agreements.
Policy: NSSOI22A: Require developers to prepare development standards handbook for all residential, commercial and restricted industrial/business park projects which outline architectural guidelines and performance standards in accordance with the policies in this plan.
In order to develop the approximately 43 acres, planned development standards handbooks for Phase 2 and 6 will have to be reviewed and approved to establish the standards for any development.
Finding M3. The Master Plan Amendment would be compatible with surrounding land uses.
The surrounding land uses and Zoning is summarized in the table below:
Direction |
Land Use Designation |
Zoning |
North |
Business Park, Medium High Residential and Low Medium Residential |
NUD (New Urban District – Kiley Ranch North) |
South |
Open Space and 5 DU/Acre |
PD (Planned Development – Kiley Ranch South) |
East |
Open Space |
NUD (New Urban District – Kiley Ranch Northeast Golf Course Community) |
West |
Community Commercial and Medium Residential |
NUD (New Urban District – Kiley Ranch North) |
The summary above provides the land use designations and the zoning for the five properties of this master plan amendment. Currently, the only development near these properties is single family residential to the south on the other side of the open space and the Kiley Ranch detention dam. To the east is the Kiley Ranch Northeast Golf Community Handbook which was never recorded. The applicant plans to incorporate 38 acres of this handbook into the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development. The proposed master plan amendments are consistent with the goals of the Tentative Kiley Ranch North Planned Development. With the 32 acres of additional residential land uses, the potential number of units increases to 4,407 units which are below the maximum number of units permitted. The latest projection of build out is 4,278 units. Kiley Ranch North Planned Development Tentative Handbook is approved to have a maximum of 4,463 units. The requested master amendment will increase the required open space and park area to 22 percent of the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development.
FINDING M4: Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of Nevada Revised Statutes and Sparks Municipal Code.
Public notice was given. The Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as public hearings for this matter. The Nevada Revised Statutes and Sparks Municipal Code public hearing requirements have been met. The Neighborhood Meeting required by NRS 278.210 was held on May 15, 2014.
The City Council may remand the master plan amendment back to Planning Commission with direction.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve Resolution 3267 adopting a change in the master plan amendment, for PCN14034, based on Findings MP 1 through MP4, and the facts supporting these findings as set forth in the staff report.
Attached Files: