Sparks City Council Meeting 10/13/2014 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, October 13, 2014 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St., Sparks

Consent Items: 8.10

Title: Consideration and possible approval to make appropriate Mid-Management Resolution changes.
Petitioner/Presenter: Stephen W. Driscoll, ICMA-CM, City Manager/Chris Syverson, Employee and Customer Relations Manager
Recommendation: The City Council approve the changes to the Appendix A of the Management, Professional, and Technical Resolution.
Financial Impact: Estimates: First Year – Salary: $65,388.85 plus Benefits $35,647.02, Second Year – Salary: $72,091.21 plus Benefits $37,470.46, Third Year – Salary: $77,542.01 plus Benefits $38,953.08, Fourth Year – Salary: $81,419.11 plus Benefits $40,007.65, Fifth Year – Salary: $85,490.06 plus Benefits $41,114.95; Less Existing Projections for Outsourcing in these Years; Example of Cost in FY 13/14 - $48,564.01
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

This proposal requests the addition of the title Property Agent in the Management, Professional, and Technical Resolution, Appendix A.


This request entails a change to the Management, Professional, and Technical Resolution, Appendix A to reflect the addition of the title of Property Agent.


The department requests authorization to hire a full time employee as Property Agent and to stop outsourcing the services.  After trying the outsourcing, it has been determined that greater oversight and control of the manner in which the work is accomplished, and the ultimate work product would be of greater benefit to the City of Sparks, and would fulfill the necessary function in a more efficient manner.


By making these changes there is no alteration in the language in the current Agreement, but will require changes to "Appendix A – Management Job Class and Salary Wage Ranges" as follows:



Job Title Change and Re-classification of Salary Ranges


Job Title



Property Agent

Salary: $ 63,794 - 87,277


Attached is the updated Appendix A – Management Job Class and Salary Wage Ranges.


  1. The City Council may approve the Appendix A change.


  1. The City Council may not approve the Appendix A change.


  1. The City Council may not approve the Appendix A change as presented by staff, and may provide other direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:
  1. I move to approve the Appendix A change to add the title of Property Agent.

Attached Files:
     MP Appendix A 10132014- no concessions (proposed).pdf
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