Sparks City Council Meeting 8/25/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 25, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks
Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning: 10.2
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Wolfhound Holdings LLC is the owner of the Sparks Nugget and has requested that the City of Sparks City Council consider the abandonment of a portion of the right of way associated 12th Street and the abandonment of a portion of the right of way associated Victorian Plaza Circle (see attached site plans). Staff has researched the request and is of the opinion that the public will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonments and recommends approval.
Wolfhound Holdings LLC is the owner of the Sparks Nugget and has requested that the City of Sparks City Council consider the abandonment to two rights of way:
- A portion of 12th Street (see attached site plan). This area to be considered by the Sparks
City Council is right of way dedicated to the City of Sparks via Subdivision Tract Map 116 filed with the Washoe County Recorder on April 25, 1904. With the construction of Interstate 80, and the expansion of the Sparks Nugget, this portion of 12th Street was essentially converted to a dead end and has served as a parking lot for years. Wolfhound holdings has requested that the property be abandoned for use by the Sparks Nugget and Nugget Courtyard and if approved approximately 8,396 square feet of property will return to the tax roll. - A portion of Victorian Plaza Circle (see attached site plan). This area to be considered by the Sparks City Council is right of way described by Record of Survey Map No. 1186 filed in the Washoe County Recorder on June 23, 1978. Upon review of the ALTA survey prepared for the sale of the Sparks Nugget properties, it came to the attention of Wolfhound Holdings LLC that the southeast corner of the southeast Nugget tower encroaches into the right of way of Victorian Plaza Circle by 0.46 square feet. As such, abandonment of this small area of right of way will "clean up" the encroachment for both the property owner and the City.
Staff have reviewed the requests for abandonment and recommend approval.
The legal descriptions (see attached ) for the requested right of way abandonments have been reviewed by staff and have been found acceptable. Each owner of property abutting the proposed abandonments have been properly notified via certified mail as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (a). The extent of the proposed abandonment and the date of the public hearing were published in the Reno Gazette Journal on August 7, 2014 as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (b). No reservations of easment are required at this time (per NRS 278.480 (6)). Staff recommends approval.
- The City Council could approve the request for abandonment as outlined by Staff.
- The City Council could deny the request for abandonment as outlined by Staff.
Recommended Motion: "I move to approve the abandonment of a portion of the 12th Street right of way and for the abandonment of a portion of the Victorian Plaza Circle right of way as submitted by Staff"
Attached Files: