Sparks City Council Meeting 9/26/2011 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 26, 2011 2:00 PMLegislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.3
Title: Consideration and possible approval of purchase of 5-11 Police Duty Uniforms from L.N. Curtis & Sons in the amount of $33,365.00 (for possible action).
Petitioner/Presenter: Police Chief Steve Keefer/Police Chief Steve Keefer
Recommendation: Approve the purchase of new 5-11 Patrol Duty Uniforms from L.N. Curtis & Sons in the amount of approximately $33,365.00
Financial Impact: The uniforms will cost $33,365.00.
Total Costs: $33,365.00

Fund: Sparks Grants & Donations Fund Account: 603165 Program: Federal Drug Forfeitures CFDA 16.922 (091002) Amount: $33,365.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: The Sparks Police Department wishes to purchase 100 new sets of patrol uniforms for sworn officers. The aging of our current uniforms along with advances in fabric technology make this a beneficial purchase for the department. The total cost will be approximately $33,365.00. This amount includes two long sleeve shirts, two short sleeve shirts and three pairs of pants for each officer. There will be no impact to the General Fund as drug forfeiture/seizure funds will be utilized for the purchase. Due to the dollar amount approval is being sought from City Council.
Background: The Sparks Police Department currently staffs 105 sworn officers at the Police Department. Over the past years the uniforms that most officers have been utilizing have become visibly worn. The 5-11 company has recently developed a new Patrol Duty Uniform that shows to provide a significant advantage in durability and appearance. Four test uniforms were obtained at no cost and worn in patrol for several months by four separate officers. The test period showed the uniforms to have outstanding durability while maintaining great appearance. These uniforms will also allow use of the traditional name plate and badge for a more professional appearance.
Analysis: Quotes were obtained from three different vendors for the uniforms. Uniformity, a business in Sparks, quoted a price of $39,693.00. Adamson Police supply, a California company, quoted a price of $36,680.00. L.N. Curtis &Sons, a California company, quoted a price of $33,365.00. All three quotes included hemming, shipping and the sewing on of patches. Ideally we would like to keep our business with a Sparks based company; however, we feel the price disparity is significant and justifies purchasing from L.N. Curtis & Sons. We anticipate that approximately 100 of the 105 sworn personnel will want the new uniforms. Several positions within the department do not necessitate use of the new uniform. Each officer will receive two short sleeve shirts, two long sleeve shirts and three pairs of pants. The funds for this purchase will not be taken out of the current Police Department general fund budget. The funds will come from current drug forfeiture/seizure accounts.
Alternatives: The Council can choose to support the local company at a greater cost to the Police Department.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the purchase of 5-11 Police Duty Uniforms from L.N. & Sons, for the amount of $33,365.00.
Attached Files: