Sparks City Council Meeting 7/14/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, July 14, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 8.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The applicant is requesting to amend the Development Design Handbook for Kiley Ranch South Section IV – Commercial and Business Park. The request is to amend the permitted uses for Parcel IIE to allow a new use of “Lending Institute per NRS 604A” (e.g. deferred deposit, title loans, check cashing services) and to allow the business to have a drive through as long as the location is not on parcels 1 through 5 as shown on Plate IV-L Master Plan.
There have been previous entitlements involving the Southern Development Division of Kiley Ranch, including 15 amendments. The more important/significant entitlements are:
SP930018 - On May 10, 1993, the City Council approved the original Kiley Ranch Planned Development Design Standards Handbook for approximately 589 acres. The approval allowed for: 1,175 single family dwelling units on approximately 526 acres; 810 multi-family dwelling units on approximately 81 acres; approximately 121 acres of business park and 5 acres of neighborhood commercial.
SP970010 - On May 27, 1997, the City Council approved an amendment to SP30018 to accomplish some housecleaning items within the original Kiley Ranch Development Design Handbook, including the newer yard setbacks (excluding the Mesa Meadows and Triple Crown/Aspen Glen Subdivision already approved under the old side yard setback requirements), allowing for cluster or small lot single family residential housing, tightening up some of the numbers within the development design handbook, requiring minimum standards for roofing materials and removing permissive language of will, should and encouraged with the required language of shall.
MP-5-99, SP990035 & TM990006 - On February 28, 2000, the City Council approved a Master Plan Amendment request to a change the City of Sparks Master Plan land use designation from Low Density Residential (3 to 7 dwelling units per acre) to a mix of General Commercial and Office Professional for approximately 18.3 acres generally located on the northeast, southeast and southwest corners of Sparks Boulevard/Los Altos Parkway intersection and transfer 40 single family lots within the Kiley Ranch Southern Development Division Planned Development; and, a tentative subdivision map to allow 78 single family residential lots on approximately 12.7 acres zoned PD (Planned Development) generally located on the southeast side of Promedio Parkway, east of Sparks Boulevard.
MP-6-00, Z-12-00, SP000028 & TM000009 (First Tee) - On December 11, 2000, the City Council approved a Master Plan Amendment to: change the City of Sparks Master Plan land use designation on approximately 105 acres of Restricted Industrial land use designation to approximately 57 acres of Open Space, approximately 46.1 acres of Low Density Residential (3 to 7 dwelling units / acre); increase and relocate the Low Medium Density Residential (7 to 14 dwelling units / acre) from approximately 47 acres to approximately 49.3 acres; the Special Use Permit amendment request to amend the Kiley Ranch Southern Development Division Development Design Handbook (SP30018) to allow development of a 9-hole public golf course and remove the Business Park designation from Kiley Ranch Southern Development Division to add single family residential, and increase the multi-family residential of the development site while maintaining the same residential dwelling unit count as approved in the original Handbook for the Southern Development Division and a 9-hole golf course expansion is proposed as a future allowed use to the east of the proposed project site. Also included was the inclusion of a temporary rock crushing plant and haul road in the Southern Development Division. The accompanying rezone request from A-40 to PD was also approved by City Council. The last request was a Tentative Map to develop a 9-hole golf course with club house facilities, 179 single family units, 158 townhouses and 308 apartments/condominiums on a site 155.68 acres in size approximately 1.5 north of the Los Altos Boulevard/Sparks Boulevard intersection on the east side of Sparks Boulevard.
RZ0100000, TM010002 & SP010016 - On September 10, 2001, the City Council approved: a Special Use Permit Amendment to the Kiley Ranch Handbook to change 78 cluster homes to 59 single-family lots; to rezone from PD (Planned Development) Cluster Housing to PD (Planned Development) Low Density Residential (3 to 7 dwelling units per acre) and a Tentative Map request for 59 single-family lots located northeast of Sparks Boulevard and Los Altos Parkway.
A-5-01, RZ-01000011 & TM-010003 - On January 28, 2002, City Council approved: an annexation of 11.89 acres in City of Sparks; a rezone from A-40 (Agricultural) to PD (Planned Development) and tentative map to approve 329 single family lots on 110.8 acres.
PCN03074 – On August 25, 2003, the City Council approved an amendment to the Kiley Ranch Southern Division Handbook. The amendment allowed commercial development on Parcel IIE, a 12.9 acre parcel also known as Barcelona Crossing and known as Los Altos Crossing. The amendment combined 2 parcels into one for development of a commercial center, changed land uses, increased buffering standards, provided new architectural elevations and added a section addressing timing of improvements. The new section also required a Special Use Permit for review of the master plan for the entire 12.9 acre site. The master plan was required to depict site access, circulation, parking areas, common/landscape areas and building pad locations. On October 16, 2003, the Planning Commission reviewed and approved the master site plan for Barcelona Crossing.
Other amendments pertaining to Section IV of the Kiley Ranch Southern Division Development Design Handbook are:
PCN06024 – On April 9, 2007, City Council approved an amendment to the handbook and Special Use Permit to change the overall master plan associated with Los Altos Crossing.
PCN09020 – On July 12, 2010, the City Council approved an amendment to the handbook to change the sign criteria related to Parcel IIE of the commercial development within Kiley Ranch South Planned Development. The Planning Commission reviewed the handbook amendment on June 19, 2014 and recommends the City Council approve the tentative and final handbook amendment to the Kiley Ranch South Planned Development Handbook.
The applicant is requesting to amend the Development Design Handbook for Kiley Ranch South Section IV – Commercial and Business Park. The request is to amend the permitted uses for Parcel IIE to allow a new use of “Lending Institute per NRS 604A” (e.g. deferred deposit, title loans, check cashing services) and to allow the business to have a drive through as long as the location is not on parcels 1 through 5 as shown on Plate IV-L Master Plan.
The proposed amendment serves two purposes. The first modification allows for “Lending Institute per NRS 604A.” The second proposed change is to ‘clean up’ the existing uses that are permitted on Parcel IIE. Specifically, the handbook allows for drive-through businesses on financial institutions (except for lots 1-5) and requires a special use permit on restaurants with drive-through facilities. The proposed amendment will modify this portion of the handbook to allow drive-throughs for restaurants, lending institutes and financial institutions. There no changes to the site design, landscaping, signs or architectural standards. Attached to this staff report are the Planned Development Findings (both for the tentative and final review), the Planning Commission Report of Action and the handbook noting the proposed amendments on pages 53, 54 and 64.
1. The City Council may not agree with the recommendation from Planning Commission and remand the application back to Planning Commission with direction.
2. The City Council may deny the request for tentative and final approval of the handbook amendment.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Tentative and Final handbook amendment request for the Kiley Ranch South Planned Development Handbook associated with PCN14015, adopting Findings PD1 through PD21 and the facts supporting those Findings as set forth in the staff report. Because the request includes final approval, the City Council will not require a bond at this time as stated in NRS 278A.490.
Attached Files: