Sparks City Council Meeting 1/27/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 27, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.8
Title: Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of $100,245.97 for Sparks’ share of a bid award to Petty and Associates. Inc. by the City of Reno for Phase 1 engineering services in support of the #1, #2, and #3 water systems evaluation at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF).
Petitioner/Presenter: Neil C. Krutz, P.E. – Deputy City Manager/Michael Drinkwater, P.E. – TMWRF Plant Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council approve Sparks’ share of the contract between the City of Reno and Petty and Associates, Inc. for a contract to evaluate the #1, #2, and #3 water systems at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility.
Financial Impact: There is no impact to the General Fund. $2,741,217.49 of appropriations remains in the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the City of Sparks under TMWRF Projects, CIP 136600, Fund 1631, Sanitary Sewer Capital Project Fund. The City of Reno will enter into an agreement with Petty and Associates in a not to exceed amount of $319,560.00, which includes a $25,000.00 contingency, and will administer the project. Reimbursement will be sought from the City of Sparks for its share of expenses through the current cost sharing agreement for TMWRF capital projects, based on the ownership of TMWRF with the City of Reno being 68.63% and Sparks being 31.37%, as illustrated in the attached Table 1. Expenses will post to account 603235, Professional Services- Engineering using CIP 14-6600F, TMWRF Water Systems Improvements- Overall Evaluation Component. This project is included in the TMWRF FY 2013-2014 Capital Improvement Plan that was approved by the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) on March 6, 2013.
Total Costs: $100,245.97

Fund: Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Account: 603235 Program: TMWRF Water Systems Improvements Project (14-6600F) Amount: $100,245.97 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: Expenses will post to account 603235, Professional Services- Engineering using CIP 14-6600F, TMWRF Water Systems Improvements- Overall Evaluation Component. This project is included in the TMWRF FY 2013-2014 Capital Improvement Plan that was approved by the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) on March 6, 2013. |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: TMWRF staff is asking the City Council to approve reimbursement to the City of Reno in the amount of up to $100,245.97 for its share of a not to exceed $319,560.00.00, including a $25,000.00 contingency, contract administered by the City of Reno with Petty and Associates, Inc. to perform an evaluation of the #1,#2 and #3 water systems at TMWRF. Water system upgrades are required to ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency permit and the health and safety of plant personnel and equipment.
Background: A comprehensive risk ranking of needed capital improvements at the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) was conducted in 2012. The #1, #2 and #3 water systems were identified as needing an evaluation to determine the extent of needed improvements. The #1 water system is potable water used at the plant for sinks, toilets, emergency eyewashes and boilers. The #2 water system utilizes reclaimed water produced by TMWRF and is used for cleaning equipment seal water as well as for cooling mechanical equipment. The #3 water is #2 water that is boosted to a higher pressure and is primarily used for tank and equipment cleaning. TMWRF was originally constructed in the 1960’s and has seen several expansions and piping modifications which has raised concerns about the overall condition of the water system infrastructure. These include potential cross connections, inability to locate and isolate pipelines, failure of valves, pumps and heat exchangers due to poor water chemistry, and failure of critical water systems due to piping systems having reached the end of their service life.
Analysis: Phase 1 of the study will focus on mapping of the three water systems, destructive and non-destructive testing to evaluate the existing condition of the piping. The creation of an updated plant wide #1/#2/#3 water schematic will allow for improved use and proper management of the systems, including shutdowns in emergency’s, the ability to better isolate portions of the system, avoidance of cross connections, and removal of abandoned portions of the system. Phase 1 will also contain tasks that will allow for immediate design work in an effort to then advertise a construction contract to address the most critical needs of the water system. Phase 2 will be directed through an amendment to this agreement and will provide final design for the selected alternatives based on the Phase 1 recommendations for the remainder of the facilities under consideration. The City of Reno will administer the contract and will be reimbursed for a portion of the costs by the City of Sparks through the Sparks – Reno cost sharing agreement for TMWRF. The City of Reno and the City of Sparks share the cost for this project based upon their ownership of TMWRF, which is 68.63% for Reno and 31.37% for Sparks. Based on the ownership percentages, Reno’s share is up to $219,314.03 and Sparks share is up to $100,245.97.
Alternatives: Council could direct the City Manager to have staff provide other alternatives
Recommended Motion: I move to approve that Council award the approval of reimbursement to the City of Reno for Sparks’ share of the water system evaluation in the amount of $100,245.97.
Attached Files: