Sparks City Council Meeting 1/27/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 27, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.5

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 604050 Program: 1404 City Hall HVAC Upgrades Design (14-1003) Amount: $115,260.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: $135,000 was approved for this project (14-1003 City Hall HVAC Upgrades Design) in the FY14 CIP. Once approved Finance will transfer the funds from Account #604020 to Account #604050. |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Background: The Sparks City Hall was originally constructed in 1968 with multiple expansions and additions throughout the years. The original buildings used package gas HVAC units that were mounted on the roof. When the main building was constructed with a basement in 1979 a boiler and chiller were installed to heat and cool the entire complex except the legislative building. The boiler was replaced around five years ago, but the chiller and the rest of the system are original components from 1979. The system is aging and needs to be upgraded to provide improved efficiency, functionality, redundancy, and greatly reduce maintenance on the system.
With all the remodels that have occurred over the years the system is not balanced to provide even temperatures throughout the building. The valves and major components of the system are aging and have been failing at an increased rate over the last decade. Additionally, there is only one boiler, one chiller, and one cooling tower which does not allow redundancy in the system. If one component fails then the entire building is without heat or air conditioning. All these things contribute to the need to upgrade the existing HVAC system at City Hall.
Dinter Mechanical Engineers provided a system evaluation and recommendation in July of 2013. Dinter has worked with the City on multiple mechanical designs over the years and has provided exceptional work. Since last July, Dinter’s mechanical staff has branched off and formed a company call MMI Engineering. The owner of MMI Engineering was part of Dinter Engineering’s staff for many years and has been the mechanical engineer on many projects for the City. He has done an excellent job of creating a quality and economical finished product while thinking outside the box and working well with contractors and the City. We feel MMI Engineering will continue to do the same for the City Hall HVAC Upgrade Project and provide the City with a quality HVAC design that will provide the best efficiency, functionality, quality, and economy for City Hall. A copy of the proposal is attached for the Councils review.
Alternatives: 1. City Council could approve the attached Professional Services Contract, to MMI Engineering, as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the attached Professional Services Contract, to MMI Engineering, and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the professional services contract, to MMI Engineering, for mechanical engineering design services to complete the City Hall HVAC Upgrade Project, in the amount of $115,260.
Attached Files: